(538) The world’s best melon bread 

文字数 1,270文字

"Portugal", a bakery at the Ebina Service Area (outbound) on the Tomei Expressway, is famous for its Ebina Melon Bread. It became popular through word of mouth from a bus tour guide, and it is said that it sometimes sells several thousand pieces in a day.

Some people buy Ebina melon bread when taking a break on the outbound journey at Ebina Service Area, and others come just to buy Ebina Melon Bread.

From April 28 to 30, 2018, 27,503 pieces of Ebina Melon Bread were sold. This figure was recognized by the Guinness World Records as the most melon bread sold in 48 hours, making Ebina Melon Bread the world's best melon bread.

Regular melon bread has a melon pattern but no melon juice, while Ebina Melon Bread contains melon juice in the dough.

Mom was able to order Ebina Melon Bread, so I tried some.

① This is Ebina Melon Bread. It's big, isn't it?

② First, I sniffed it. It has a nice melon scent.

③ I licked it timidly.

④ I smelled it again. It has a sweet buttery scent.

⑤ I licked it thoroughly.

⑥ This is too sweet. I’m afraid I might get cavities.

⑦ P.S. I’ve found a mist fan that Dad bought at the 100-yen shop recently.

⑧ I’ll take a closer look at the fan.

⑨ It's very cool. It's a high-quality product for the sweltering summer.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み