(536) I made my bikini debut!!

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It's been ridiculously hot and muggy lately.

In Spain, pools where humans and dogs can swim together seem to be popular.

In Japan, on the other hand, I haven't seen any pools where humans and dogs can swim together, but there are a few pools where dogs can swim.

This time, I went to a pool where dogs can swim in Tsukuba City.
My destination is “Lucy Resort”, which I introduced in chapter 342. Lucy Resort has two dog runs, one for small dogs and one for medium and large dogs. Both dog runs have a pool.

I put on my swimsuit for the first time in my life and tried the dog pool.

① This is the small dog run, which has a tent and a pool.

② First, I'll take a break under the tent.

③ There are some dogs running around. I'll join them.

④ I'm running around in my bikini.

⑤ This is a gourd-shaped pool for small dogs. The narrow part between the two circles seems to be shallowest of the pool, so I’ll head there.

⑥ I’ll get in the pool.

⑦ I'm thinking which way to go.

⑧ The water flowing at my paws is cool and feels good.

⑨ It's my first time in a pool so I'm a little scared.

⑩ A Miniature Dachshund has come into the pool, chasing a ball.

⑪ I'm overwhelmed by the Miniature Dachshund.

⑫ A white dog has come over.

⑬ Two Miniature Dachshunds and a Mame Shiba Inu have come.

⑭ The Mame Shiba Inu has come over.

⑮ I'm taking a break on a chair. Now I'm going back in the pool.

⑯ I’ll get into the pool.

⑰ I'm a little scared to put my front paws in the water.

⑱ One of the Miniature Dachshunds has come over.

⑲ I’m a little scared when there's a dog nearby.

⑳ Mom, I'm getting hungry. It's time to go home.

㉑ There are colorful floats.

㉒ I’ve gotten bored of the floats.

㉓ I’m in front of the floats.

㉔ I had my picture taken in front of the sunflowers.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み