(543) Sunset at Doho Park 

文字数 1,355文字

The hot weather has continued. When I go for a walk, I often see dogs out walking in the cool evening hours, so we started going for walks a little later.

Since the summer solstice in June, the sun has been setting earlier and earlier.

As a result, I often see the sunset even when I go for a walk.

This time, I’d like to introduce the sunset at Doho Park.

① When I left the parking lot, I found some golden lantern mushrooms.

② When I reached the soccer field, I found some large white lantern mushrooms.

③ We've arrived at the Water and Green Field.

④ I can see the sunset. It's cloudy, so it's not the best.

⑤ We’ve come to Water and Green Field on another day. The weather is nice today.

⑥ I can see the New City Memorial Hall. Someone is playing the guitar by the swamp.

⑦ I’m listening to the guitar. I’m mesmerized.

⑧ There is a white shiokara dragonfly (Orthetrum albistylum) on the bank of the pond.

⑨ We’ve come near the woods.

⑩ This is a Noshime dragonfly (Sympetrum infuscatum). It is the same species as red Akiakane, but it does not turn red.

⑪ We’ve returned to the open space of the Water and Green Field.

⑫ There are clouds, but the sky is very blue.

⑬ Crape myrtle flowers are in bloom.

⑭ The setting sun is reflecting on the gazebo.

⑮ The sun is setting.

⑯ The setting sun is hidden among the trees.

⑰ The setting sun is no longer visible.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み