(516) Summer Roses at Doho Park  

文字数 1,717文字

The roses at Doho Park are perennial. They bloom in spring, summer, and fall. They don't bloom in winter, so they bloom three times a year.

Until last year, I thought that roses bloom twice a year, in spring and fall, so I had never seen summer roses. Recently I saw summer roses, so I’d like to introduce them “a little”.

The reason I say “a little” is because the summer rose blooming season is short. Spring and fall roses bloom one after another over a period of three weeks, while summer roses bloom and scatter as quickly as shooting stars. The summer roses never bloom at the same time. The season lasts only about a week.

Also, the grass field in front of the rose flower bed has no shade. The weather is scorching in the summer, so, during the summer, I rest in the shady Water and Green Field. I prefer the shade to summer roses.

① I'm in front of the gym. It's hot, so I'm wearing a neck cooler.

② I'm in front of the gym. The roses in the middle have finished blooming.

③ This is the summer rose bed.

④ The rose named Anne Frank, which was planted after the spring rose season, has bloomed for the first time.

⑤ The rose named La Marseillaise, which was planted after the spring rose season, has bloomed for the first time, too. It's sizzling, so I'm moving.

⑥ I’m passing in front of the hydrangeas.

⑦ I've arrived at the Water and Green Field. There's lots of shade.

⑧ I'm resting in the shade.

⑨ I'm lying down in the shade.

⑩ Doho Swamp is next to the field.

⑪ I prefer the shade to the summer roses.

⑫ I’m looking at a dog. A lot of dogs come to the field in the evening.

⑬ I've completely forgotten about the summer roses, and I'm enjoying the shade.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み