(532) a summer day at O. park (1)

文字数 1,951文字

I often walk in Ottonuma (Otto Swamp) Park about once or twice a week.
I have the layout of this park memorized.
I love the grass at this park.

Even in summer, a cool breeze blows from the swamp over the grass.
I can hear the croaking of the bullfrogs in the swamp.
Pigeons, sparrows, and starlings fly by.
Striped butterflies fly around me.
Sometimes, monk butterflies and swallowtail butterflies fly by.

In August, a lot of cicadas chirp, and dragonflies fly around.
As I sit on the grass, Daddy pulls the leash and says, "Let's go ahead now."
I move forward a little, but I like the grass so much that I stop right there.
After a while, Daddy pulls the leash again. I move forward a little again.
It takes half an hour to move 10 meters like this.

It's very cool after the rain.
A kingfisher flies over the swamp.
A tree frog is passing through a puddle.
Nothing happens when I sit on the grass.

Sometimes a dog passes by near me, so I pay attention to it.
I sometimes bark at the dog a little or chase it a little.

Time passes very slowly when I'm sitting on the grass.
I love this quiet time.

① We've arrived at the park. There's no wind today.

② A bullfrog is croaking in the cattail bushes in the swamp.

③ I'm crossing a bridge.

④ I'm resting on the grass.

⑤ A butterfly called Lycaenidae is flying.

⑥ I'm taking a lively stroll.

⑦ I'm pressing my nose against the white clover.

⑧ I’ve just taken my nose off the white clover.

⑨ I’m completely relaxed.

⑩ Oh! There's a cicada shell on the American pokeweed.

⑪ I am on the grass in front of the ginkgo trees.

⑫ The wind is weak here as it is a little far from the swamp.

⑬ A butterfly named common grass yellow has landed on a skunk vine.

⑭ I’m resting on the grass in front of the playground.

⑮ Oh, a dog is approaching.

⑯ The dog has gone away.

⑰ I am on the grass.

⑱ I am by the bridge.

⑲ I’m crossing the bridge. There is a puddle.

⑳ The sun is setting. We’re going home.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み