(525) Tsuruga Castle Site Park 

文字数 2,653文字

Aizu-Wakamatsu City is home to the 22.8-hectare Tsuruga Castle Site Park, and the park was designated as a national historic site in 1934.

By 1874, all of the buildings at Tsuruga Castle had been demolished, leaving only the stone walls.

In 1965, the exterior of the castle tower was restored with concrete, using photographs from the early Meiji period as a reference.

In 2011, the roof tiles were replaced with red tiles from the end of the Edo period.

There is a famous teahouse called "Rinkaku" in this park.

In 1591, Sen no Rikyu (千利休) incurred Hideyoshi's (豊臣秀吉)wrath and was ordered to be executed, and the Sen family was in danger of being wiped out.

At that time, Rikyu's son Shoan (少庵) was ordered to live in seclusion under a military commander named Gamo Ujisato (蒲生氏郷) in Aizu. It is said that Shoan built the teahouse "Rinkaku" in Tsuruga Castle.

After that, Shoan returned to Kyoto, and his son Sen Sotan (千宗旦) succeeded the Sen family. During the generation of Sotan's children, the three schools of tea ceremony (Omotesenke, Urasenke, and Mushakojisenke) were established.

In other words, "Rinkaku" is a very old teahouse associated with the Sen family.

Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed in "Rinkaku".

On the way back, we stopped by a rest stop called “Inawashiro”, which was ranked number one in 2018 in Jalan's ranking of most popular rest stops in the Tohoku region.

① Tsuruga Castle has come into view.

② I’m in front of Tsuruga Castle.

③ I’m in front of Tsuruga Castle.

④ Oh, there're are some red cow-like things over there. They are called “Akabeko”.

(※Originally Akabeko is a paper mache doll resembling a red cow. It is a local toy from the Aizu region and has been used to ward off evil spirits among children.)

⑤ This Akabeko is much bigger than me.

⑥ I’ve found lots of wind chimes.

⑦ This is the Rinkaku teahouse.

⑧ This is the nijiriguchi (the small entrance to a tea ceremony room).

⑨ This is a photo of Tsuruga Castle taken from a different angle.

⑩ The tourist information center has the sign "Castle Station."

⑪ We’ll pass by the stone walls and return to the parking lot.

⑫ We’ve arrived at Inawashiro rest stop. It opened in November 2016, with Mt. Bandai to the north and Lake Inawashiro to the south.

⑬ You can see Mt. Bandai. It is 4:30pm, so the dog run on the left is closed. (This dog run is open from 9:30am to 4pm.from April to November.)

⑭ We can see some mysterious vehicles over there. We’ll get closer.

⑮ These are ski resort gondolas. They were installed in April 2023. But the door is locked.

⑯ I’m in front of a gondola.

⑰ This is a close-up photo.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み