(542) I ate too much steak  

文字数 1,851文字

In chapter 530, I ate steak at Sonute, but the restaurant didn't have a dog run.

In chapter 535, at Penny Lane, I ran around the restaurant's dog run, but I couldn’t eat steak.

For me, the best restaurant is one that has a dog run and also serves steak.

Recently, Mom found a dream restaurant that serves steak in a log house and also has a dog run, so we decided to go eat steak.

① We’ve arrived at the steak restaurant. There is a log house on the left side of this restaurant. Customers with dogs can dine in the log house.

② This is a log house.

③ I am in front of the log house.

④ When I opened the door, I saw a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" banner balloon.

⑤ I am on a chair.

⑥ This is a burlap garden flag made by Evergreen that says "Dogs are very welcome. Humans are tolerated."

⑦ I’m sitting on a chair.

⑧ I'm eating dog food.

⑨ I've finished eating my dog ​​food. I hope the steak will arrive soon.

⑩ The steak has arrived.

⑪ I'm eating the steak Dad gave me. When I've finished eating, I'll head to the dog run.

⑫ I've arrived at the dog run adjacent to the restaurant.

⑬ I'm in the dog run. I feel like I've gained weight.

⑭ I've eaten too much steak and I feel like I've turned into a sheep.

⑮ I've enjoyed running.

⑯ The shade is cool and comfortable.

⑰ This is a Betty Boop commercial plate. It's time to go back to the log house.

⑱ The water is cold and delicious.

⑲ I’ve eaten so much steak that my eyes were wide with satisfaction.

⑳ I’m sitting on a red chair.

㉑ There are some dog figurines in the log house, so Dad took some pictures of me with each of them.

㉒ This is a teacup with Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

㉓ This is a Shih Tzu.

㉔ This is a French Bulldog.

㉕ This is a Toy Poodle.

㉖ This is a Retriever.

㉗ I'm wearing a Happy Birthday tiara. Do I look like a princess?





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み