(489) Acacia flowers  

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In early in May, I visited Amakubo Park (天久保公園) in Tsukuba City, which has a large wisteria trellis. But the wisteria flowers had already fallen.

Instead, there were lots of small white petals scattered on the promenade. These flowers are “harienju” (also known as locust acacia, dog acacia, Robinia pseudo acacia). Bees collect honey from the flowers. The honey is sold as acacia honey.

“Locust acacia” is a literal translation of the species name pseudoacacia from Latin. (“pseudo” means similar, false, or imitation). The English name “black locust” means that it resembles a locust bean tree. It is also called “false acacia” in the UK and “locust” in the US.

Imported to Japan in 1873, harienju was considered a western and exotic plant.

The acacia in the lyrics of Kitahara Hakushu’s (北原白秋) children's song “Konomichi(this road)", which was composed by Yamada Kosaku(山田耕筰), refers to harienju.

The lyrics of the song, Kono michi(この道), are as follows.
“This is the road I once came to. Oh, yeah, when the acacia flowers were blooming''.

Harienju is also located in Hanabatake Neighborhood Park(花畑近隣公園), so we went there, too.
In the photo description below, I refer to harienju as acacia.

① Acacia flowers have fallen on the promenade of Amakubo Park.

② I am on the fallen acacia flowers.

③ I am on the fallen acacia petals.

④ I am on the fallen acacia flowers.

⑤ I am on the fallen acacia petals.

⑥ Acacia flowers have also fallen on this promenade.

⑦ I'm on the fallen acacia flowers.

⑧ When I look up, the acacia flowers are blooming.

⑨ We’ve come to Hanabatake Neighborhood Park.

⑩ I'm looking for acacia trees.

⑪ The tall tree in the center is an acacia.

⑫ These are acacia flowers.

⑬ I'm on the fallen acacia flowers.

⑭ This forest is a mixture of acacia and cypress. The tree on the right with a ribbon is
scheduled to be cut down.

⑮ I am in front of a recently cut acacia stump.

⑯ There is a dog beauty salon next to the park. You can see the footprint sign.

⑰ I'm on the fallen acacia flowers.

⑱ There is an ab muscle exercise equipment.

⑲ We’ll head to the parking lot.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み