(491) Roses in Doho Park (1) 

文字数 2,132文字

The roses in Doho Park bloomed beautifully this year (2024), too. The roses there are located in front of the gym and the soccer field. The roses in front of the gym have variety labels, but the roses in front of the soccer field don’t.

In this chapter, I’ll show you the roses and other plants in front of the soccer field.

In chapter 489, I introduced some photos of the ground turning white with fallen acacia flowers.

The flowers of egonoki (Styrax japonicus, Japanese snowbell) in Doho Park had also fallen, and the ground was completely white, as if it had snowed. I think the flowers of egonoki are called “snowbell” in English because they are bell-shaped flowers that look like snow.

On the promenade in the park, I saw a butterfly named hestina assimilis (アカボシゴマダラ蝶).

This butterfly is an invasive species that was first observed in Saitama Prefecture in 1995. As of 2024, it is one of the most abundant butterflies in Tsukuba City. In 2018, it was designated as a specific invasive species and is subject to extermination.

① I’ve come to the rose flower bed in the soccer field.

② In the nemophila flower bed, the light blue nemophila flowers were withered. Instead, small yellow flowers are blooming.

③ The small yellow flowers are probably

Trifolium dubium

(キバナツメクサ, コメツブツメクサ).

④ I am in front of the roses in the soccer field.

⑤ I am in front of the roses in the soccer field.

⑥ The next day we came to Doho Park again. The flowers of egonoki are blooming.

⑦ The flowers of egonoki have fallen, and the ground is white. It looks like it snowed yesterday.

⑧ On the promenade, there is a butterfly named hestina assimilis (アカボシゴマダラ蝶). I smelled it for the first time.

⑨This plant is called pachysandra terminalis or Japanese spurge (フッキソウ). It is said to be an auspicious plant because they bloom even in the shade.

⑩ In the soccer field, elderly workers are filling a lawnmower with gasoline.

⑪ I’m passing in front of the lawnmower.

⑫ The elderly worker has started mowing the lawn.

⑬ The lawnmower is passing by me.

⑭ I am in front of the rose flower bed in the soccer field.

⑮ I am in front of the rose flower bed in the soccer field.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み