(505) Mt. Tsukuba Gate Park   

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With the opening of "Shuho Tsukuba Compulsory Education School (秀峰筑波義務教育学校)" in 2018, the former "Tsukuba East Junior High School (筑波東中学校)" was closed down.

The former school building and the grounds are now used for the Mt. Tsukuba Gate Park, which opened on November 3, 2023.

Mt. Tsukuba Gate Park is a complex consisting of the “Tsukuba Geo Museum” and “Cycle Park Tsukuba”. It was named with the hope that it would be an entrance to discover further charms of Mt. Tsukuba.

The "Tsukuba Geo Museum" is the core facility of the Mt. Tsukuba Regional Geopark. The exhibition space on the first floor is an experiential facility that conveys nature and culture to the next generation for the purpose of education and tourism promotion.

※A geopark is a geographical area that promotes sustainable development while preserving sites and landscapes with geoscientific value and utilizing them for education and tourism. Currently, there are 46 "Japanese Geoparks" certified by the Japanese Geopark Committee as of May 2023.

"Cycle Park Tsukuba" is a bicycle facility with the best BMX (Bicycle Motocross) racing course in Japan, and is equipped with shower rooms, rest areas, and maintenance spaces, and bicycle rentals.
Dogs are not allowed inside the geo museum, but I was able to see the BMX racing course.

① We’ve arrived at Mt. Tsukuba Gate Park.

② I am in front of Mt. Tsukuba Gate Park.

③ This is the former Tsukuba East Junior High School. The Tsukuba Geo Museum is in the front of the first floor, and Cycle Park Tsukuba is in the back of the first floor.

④ This is the inside of the geo museum. Dogs can't enter, though.

⑤ In the geo museum, there is a Captain Hookun (astronaut-type owl robot), the mascot of Tsukuba city.

⑥ This is a non-permanent exhibit on the second floor.

⑦ I’m waiting outside until Mom and Dad finish their tour of the geo museum. You can see a cartoon character in the background.

⑧ This is a close-up photo of the character, which is from Yowamushi Pedal.

⑨ I can see the BMX racing course.

⑩ Someone is practicing on the BMX racing course.

⑪ He is riding with just one rear wheel.

⑫ Oh, somebody has left their shoe on the rock.

⑬ I'm looking at the shoe.

⑭ The shoe wasn't someone's. It is a monument.

⑮ I can see the starting point for the racing course. I'll go over there.

⑯ I'm approaching the starting point.

⑰ This is the starting point. The starting positions are numbered.

⑱ I'm looking at the racing course.

⑲ This is a close-up photo.

⑳ This is the BMX racing course.

㉑ P.S. This is the plaque commemorating the completion of Tsukuba East Junior High School in 1967. There are many names listed as "land donors." Clearly, the former school was loved by the local people.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み