(512) Fireflies along the Hosokusa River

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Genji and Heike fireflies can be seen along and around the Hosokusa River in Kangori (神郡), Tsukuba City, at the southern foot of Mt. Tsukuba.

In chapter 355, I introduced the Hosokusa River, but I didn't see any fireflies at that time.

Along the river, Genji fireflies can be seen starting from late May, and Heike fireflies can be seen from mid-June, and fireflies fly around until late June. In mid-June, Genji and Heike fireflies can be seen at the same time. Genji fireflies can be seen in clean streams, while Heike fireflies can be seen in rice paddies where pesticides haven't been used.

The fireflies that appeared in chapter 354 are Heike fireflies.

I was hoping to see some Genji fireflies in 2024, but before I knew it, it was already late June, and the Genji firefly season was over.

However, Heike fireflies should still be around, so we went to see the fireflies along the Hosokusa River. The fireflies fly around 8 pm, but this is when I am usually asleep, so I accompanied Dad to check the spot out in advance during the day, and Dad took the photos by himself at night.

① We’ve begun to walk along the Sakasa River (逆川) from the parking lot.

② From the confluence of the Sakasa River and the Hosokusa River, we’re walking along the Hosokusa River through the rice paddy area.

③ Mt. Tsukuba can be seen.

④ We’ll continue to walk along the Hosokusa River.

⑤ I’m sniffing the grass.

⑥ There is a sign for the Hosokusa River path.

⑦ I went down near the river.

⑧ The water of the Hosokusa River is very clear.

⑨ As I walked along the footpath of the Hosokusa River, I came across a strange-shaped scarecrow.

⑩ As we walked along the footpath of the river, we’ve found a good spot for photographing fireflies. We've finished checking out the best place for taking photos.

⑪ We’re heading towards the parking lot.

⑫ I am in front of the Firefly Village stone monument. The parking lot is right there.

⑬ The sun is setting at the foot of Mt. Tsukuba.

⑭ Dad arrived at the site we had chosen during the day. There are fireflies.

⑮ Fireflies are flying.

⑯ It is getting darker.

⑰ Some people came to see the fireflies.

⑱ Some fireflies are flying over the rice fields.

⑲ It is completely dark and all Dad can see are fireflies.

⑳ After a while, the number of fireflies was dwindling, so Dad headed home. This is a photo of Mt. Tsukuba.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み