(535) Penny Lane   

文字数 2,312文字

"Penny Lane" is the name of a street in Liverpool, a city in the north of England. It became world famous in February 1967 after The Beatles released a song about this street.

The Beatles-themed tourist spot in Liverpool is said to attract around 800,000 visitors a year, generating more than £80 million in profits and providing over 2,300 jobs.

Penny Lane is also home to the Beatles-themed "Penny Lane Hotel".

In Japan, the bakery restaurant Penny Lane was opened in Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture, in honor of Penny Lane.

In 2013, one of the Penny Lane branches opened on the AEON Mall Tsukuba premises at the same time as when AEON Mall Tsukuba opened.

Penny Lane in Tsukuba is a chic building surrounded by beautiful trees, just like the one in Liverpool. The interior of the building is unified in British design and Beatles-themed decorations and Beatles music is playing.

Penny Lane Tsukuba has three stores: a bakery, a restaurant, and a dog cafe. You can order the same meals at the dog cafe as you would at the restaurant, and there are also several dog runs next to the dog cafe.

Therefore, we went to the dog cafe to get a taste of Penny Lane.

① We‘ve arrived at Penny Lane. The restaurant is on the left, the bakery in the middle, and the dog cafe on the right.

② This is the bakery.

③ This is the restaurant.

④ This is the dog cafe.

⑤ Dad has reserved a seat. There is still time before we’re shown to our seats, so we’ll go to the dog run.

⑥ This is the dog run.

⑦ I’m taking a walk in the dog run.

⑧ I am under a bench.

⑨ I am on the bench.

⑩ On the right, you can see the terrace seats of the dog cafe. It was a sweltering day, so I requested an indoor seat. We’ll go back to the cafe.

⑪ When we returned to the cafe, it was our turn to be seated.

⑫ There is a toy poodle in the back. All the tables are occupied with dogs and their owners.

⑬ I ate the dog food Mom brought from home. I also had a bite of apple for dessert.

⑭ Mom. I'm full, I can't eat any more.

⑮ Mom and Dad are waiting for the food to be brought out.

⑯ I’m sitting on a pumpkin stool.

⑰ I can’t eat the food Dad ordered because it has garlic in it. I’m waiting quietly. I'll go home when Mom and Dad have finished eating.

⑱ I had a photo taken with the Goblin streetlight.

⑲ Here's a photo of me and the Goblin.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み