3.3.33 chicken meatball pot(鶏団子鍋)

文字数 1,806文字

塩分2g以内に抑えた減塩レシピ㉝  鶏団子鍋 (1人当たりの塩分1.78g)

・鶏ひき肉 200g
・蓮根 100g
・水菜 200g
・だし汁 カップ3 (塩分0.8g)

※ネギのみじん切り 大さじ2
※おろしショウガ 小さじ1
※酒 大さじ1
※しょうゆ 小さじ½ (塩分0.45g)
※片栗粉 大さじ½

★酒 大さじ2
★しょうゆ 大さじ½ (塩分1.3g)
★塩 1g (塩分1g)


2 ボウルにひき肉を入れ、蓮根のすりおろしと※の材料を加え、粘りが出るまでよく混ぜる。角切りの蓮根を加え、混ぜたら、手で6個の団子を作る。
3 鍋にだし汁を中火で煮立て、★を加えて混ぜる。ここに、鶏団子を入れ、再び、煮立ったら、弱火で10分くらい煮る。
4 鍋に水菜を入れ、ひと煮したら、火を止める。


Reduced-salt recipe with less than 2g of salt ㉝ chicken meatball pot
(salt content per person 1.78g)
Side dish: grilled vegetables, sweetened kumquat

Ingredients (for 2 people):
・200g ground chicken
・100g lotus root
・200g mizuna
・3 cups of dashi stock (salt content 0.8g)

※2 tbsp of chopped green onions
※1 tsp of grated ginger
※1 tbsp of sake
※½ tsp of soy sauce (salt content 0.45g)
※½ tbsp of potato starch
★ 2 tbsp of sake
★ ½ tbsp of soy sauce (salt content 1.3g)
★ 1g of salt (salt content 1g)

How to make:
1 Peel the lotus root, grate 30g of it, and cut the rest into 5-6 mm squares. Cut the mizuna into 4-5cm long pieces.

2 Put the ground meat in a bowl, add the grated lotus root and the ※ ingredients, and mix well by hand until it becomes sticky. Add the diced lotus root, mix, and form six meatballs with your hands.

3 Boil the dashi stock in a pot over medium heat, add the ★ seasonings and mix. Add the chicken meatballs, bring to a boil again, and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.

4 Put the mizuna in the pot and boil it for a while, then turn off the heat.

Comment: It takes time to grate the lotus root and make some meatballs, but it is a healthy dish because lotus root contains a lot of vitamin C and fiber, and mizuna is rich in potassium, calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamin C.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み