3.3.18 meatloaf (洋風ミートローフ)

文字数 1,849文字

3.3.18 減塩レシピ⑱ ミートローフ

★コショウ 少々
・ベーコン40g (塩分1g)

1 ボウルに★に入れ、粘りがでるまでよく混ぜる。
2 パウンド型(22×8×6cm)に薄くオリーブ油を引き、ベーコンを敷き、ボウルの材料の半量を入れ、マッシュルーム・うずらの卵・プルーンの順に2回並べる。残りの半量を入れ、マッシュルーム等が隠れるようにする。
3 210℃ (410℉) に予熱をしたオーブンで30分程度焼く。
4 粗熱がとれるまでオーブンの中に置き、好みの厚さに切って皿に盛り、バジルソースを添える。


Reduced-salt recipe with less than 2g of salt
3.3.18 Low-salt recipe ⑱ Meatloaf
(salt content 0.7 per person)

Ingredients (3 servings):
★300g of ground beef and pork
★1/2 onion finely chopped
★1/2 cup breadcrumbs
★1 egg
★3 tbsp milk (salt content 0.006g)
★1 tbsp tomato ketchup (salt content 0.6g)
★1 tsp worcestershire sauce (salt content 0.5g)
★pepper to taste
★15 g of shelled and chopped pistachios
★30g minced orange peel
・1 tbsp of olive oil
・40g sliced bacon (salt content 1.0g)
・2 mushrooms
・2 boiled quail eggs
・2 prunes
・2 tbsp basil sauce

How to make:
1 Put ★ingredients in a bowl and mix well until sticky.
2 Lightly grease a pound cake mold (22×8×6 cm) with olive oil, line with bacon, add half of the ★ mixture into the bowl, and arrange mushrooms, boiled quail eggs, and prunes in an alternating pattern. Add the remaining half of the ★mixture and cover the mushrooms, eggs, and prunes.
3 Bake it in an oven preheated to 210℃ (410℉) for about 30 minutes.
4 Leave it in the oven until it cools down, cut it to your desired thickness, put it on a plate, and add the basil sauce.

As this is a little different from the traditional meatloaf, you can make it for Christmas. Pistachio and orange peel flavors are fragrant, and it's fun to see prunes, mushrooms, and quail eggs on each cross section.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み