3.3.55  Teriyaki Pork Rice Bowl

文字数 1,907文字

ポーク照り焼きどんぶり (一人当たりの塩分1.75g)

※酒 大さじ1
※しょうゆ 小さじ1(塩分 0.9g)
・長ネギ ½
・ほうれん草 100g
・片栗粉 大さじ2
★しょうゆ 大さじ1(塩分 2.6g)
★砂糖 大さじ1
★酒 大さじ1
★水 1/4カップ



2 豚肉の汁気をふき、片栗粉をまぶし、オリーブ油を熱したフライパンで香ばしく、焼く。裏返しし、ネギを加えて、焼く。★印の煮汁を加え、蓋をして8分くらい、蒸し焼きにする。

3 ほうれん草は4cm位の長さに切り、たっぷりの熱湯でゆで、水をかけながら、ざるにあけ、水気をとる。

4 豚肉は食べやすく切り、長ネギ、ほうれん草と一緒に、器に盛ったご飯の上にのせる。好みで煮汁をかけてもよい。


≪《Reduced salt recipe with less than 2g of salt 55》》
Pork Teriyaki Rice Bowl (1.75g of salt per person)

Ingredients (for 2 people):
・2 slices of pork loin
※1 tbsp sake
※1 tsp soy sauce (salt content: 0.9g)
・ ½ green onion
・100g spinach
・2 tbsp of potato starch
★ 1 tbsp of soy sauce (salt content: 2.6g)
★ 1 tbsp of sugar
★ 1 tbsp of sake
★ 1/4 cup of water

Side dish: grapes, pears, roasted sweet potato

How to make:
1. Place the pork on a cutting board, lightly tap the surface with a knife in order to cook evenly and soften. Season the pork with the seasonings marked with※ and leave for about 10 minutes. Cut the green onion into 3cm lengths.

2. Wipe off the juices from the pork, sprinkle with potato starch, and stir-fry in a frying pan heated with olive oil until fragrant. Turn over, add green onions, and stir-fry. Add ★marked seasonings, cover the lid and simmer for about 8 minutes.

3. Cut the spinach into 4cm lengths, boil in plenty of boiling water, drain, put in a strainer and run under cold water.

4. Cut the pork into easy-to-eat pieces and place them on top of the rice in a bowl along with the green onions and spinach. If you like, you can pour the juices remaining in the frying pan over it.

Comments: Using mentsuyu instead of soy sauce will help you cut down on the sodium even more.
Pork contains a lot of protein and vitamin B1, so it is recommended to eat it often.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み