3.3.66 Boiled Flatfish (カレイの煮つけ)

文字数 1,555文字

塩分2g以内に抑えた減塩レシピ66: カレイの煮つけ (一人当たりの塩分1.45g)

・おろししょうが 小さじ1
・乾燥わかめ 2g (塩分0.4g) →水でもどす
・ゆでたけのこ 40g
・人参 5cm
 ★白だし 大さじ1 (塩分2.2g)

1 カレイはざっと洗って水気を拭く。
2 わかめは、水気を絞り、一口大に切る。たけのこは、一口大の薄切りにする。人参は輪切りにし、ゆでる。
3 鍋に★印の煮汁としょうがを入れて火にかけ、煮立ったら、カレイを入れ、中火で10分くらい煮る。
4 その鍋に、人参・わかめ・たけのこを加えて、5分ほど煮たら火を止める。


Reduced salt recipe with less than 2g of salt 66
Boiled flatfish (salt content per person 1.45g)

Ingredients (for 2 people):
・2 pieces of flatfish (right-eyed flounder)
・1 tsp grated ginger
・2g dried wakame seaweed (salt 0.4g)→Rehydrate with water
・40g boiled bamboo shoots
・5cm carrot
・broth ingredients
 ★1.5 cups water
 ★1 tbsp sake
 ★1 tbsp mirin (salt content 0.3g)
 ★1 tbsp shirodashi (salt content 2.2g)

How to make:
1 Roughly rinse the flatfish and wipe dry.
2. Squeeze the water from the rehydrated seaweed and cut it into bite-sized pieces. Slice the bamboo shoots into bite-sized pieces. Slice the carrot into 5mm rounds and boil.
3. Put the ★marked broth ingredients and the ginger in a pot and bring to a boil. When it boils, add the fish and simmer over medium heat for about 10 minutes.
4. Add carrots, wakame seaweed, and bamboo shoots to the pot, simmer for 5 minutes or so, then turn off the heat.

Comment: Dried wakame seaweed contains a surprising amount of salt, so it's best to soak it thoroughly in water to remove the salt before using it. You can enjoy not only righteye flounders but also wakame only with the seasoning of the broth.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み