3.3.83 Tomato Farci (トマトファルシ)

文字数 2,184文字

塩分2g以内に抑えた減塩レシピ83:トマトファルシ (一人当たりの塩分 0.7g)


・合い挽き肉 100g
・トマト 中3個
・玉ねぎ ½個
・オリーブ油 大さじ1
※パン粉 30g
※塩 1g
※こしょう お好みで
※ナツメグ 少々
・卵 ½
・パセリのみじん切り 大さじ1

・玉ねぎ ½
・ご飯 200g
・パルミジャーノチーズ 大さじ2(塩分 0.6g)
・塩 0.5g
・こしょう お好みで






Reduced salt recipe with less than 2g of salt 83 Tomato Farci
(salt content per person 0.7g)

Ingredients (for 3 people):

[Tomato Farci]
・100g ground meat (mixed pork and beef)
・3 medium-sized tomatoes
・½ onion
・1 tbsp olive oil
★30g breadcrumbs
★1g salt
★pepper : to taste
★½ tsp nutmeg
・½ egg
・1 tbsp chopped parsley

[Tomato cheese rice]
・the contents of the hollowed-out tomatoes
・½ onion
・200g rice
・2 tbsp Parmigiano-Reggiano (salt content 0.6g)
・0.5g salt
・pepper to taste

How to make:
1 Cut the top of each tomato horizontally about 1cm deep to make a lid and keep it for later. Insert a knife into the tomato and scoop out the contents with a spoon. (We'll use the contents later).

2 Finely chop the onion, stir-fry in a frying pan with olive oil until softened and put it in a bowl. Add the meat and the ingredients marked ★, mix well, add the egg, and chopped parsley, and stuff it into the tomatoes.

3 Make tomato cheese rice. Finely chop the onion and stir-fry in a pot with olive oil until softened, then add the hollowed-out tomato contents and simmer for about 3 minutes. Turn off the heat, add the warm rice and Parmigiano-Reggiano, mix, and season with salt and pepper.

4. Spread rice on a slightly deep heat-resistant plate, top with stuffed tomatoes, cover the lid of the tomatoes and bake for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 210℃ (410℉).

Comment: It may seem a bit time-consuming, but it's surprisingly easy to make, as all you have to do is chop the onions (for the tomatoes and for the rice) all at once and leave the rest to the oven.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み