3.3.80 Boiled Yellowtail and Turnips 

文字数 1,695文字

塩分2g以内に抑えた減塩レシピ80:ぶりとかぶの煮物 (一人分の塩分1.8g)

・ぶり 2切れ
・かぶ 2個
・塩 0.5g
・酒 大さじ1
・人参 5cm
★だし 100ml (塩分 0.2 g)
★酒 大さじ2
★みりん 大さじ2(塩分 0.3 g)
★醤油 大さじ1(塩分 2.6g)
・柚子 少々 

1 ぶりを2等分にし、塩を振ってしばらくおく。出てきた水気を拭き、酒をふる。かぶは茎を3cmくらい残して、葉を切り取り、半分に切る。人参は輪切りにする。
2 鍋に、かぶ、ぶり、人参、★印の調味料を入れ、落とし蓋をして、火にかける。煮立ったら、弱火にし、蓋をし10分くらい煮て、火を止める。そのまま、20分くらいおき、味をなじませる。
3 器にのせ、柚子のせん切りを添える。


Reduced salt recipe with less than 2g of salt 80 Boiled Yellowtail and Turnips
(salt content per person: 1.8g)

Ingredients (for 2 servings):
・2 yellowtail fillets
・2 turnips
・0.5g salt (salt content 0.5g)
・1 tbsp sake
・5cm carrot
★100ml dashi (salt content 0.2g)
★2 tbsp sake
★2 tbsp mirin (salt content 0.3g)
★1 tbsp soy sauce (salt content 2.6g)
・yuzu peel : to taste

How to make:
1 Cut the yellowtail into 2 equal parts, coat with salt and leave out for a while. Wipe off the water that comes out and sprinkle the sake over the fish. Cut the turnips in half, leaving about 3cm of the stem, and cut off the leaves. Cut the carrot into rounds.

2 Put the turnip, yellowtail, carrot and seasonings marked with ★ in a pot, cover with a drop-lid, and bring to a boil. Once it boils, reduce the heat to low, cover with the lid, and simmer for about 10 minutes, then turn off the heat. Leave it as it is for about 20 minutes to let the flavors meld.

3 Place on a plate and add chopped yuzu peel.

Comment: By using a drop-lid, the odor will be removed, and the taste will be more refined. Compared to daikon radish, turnips soften in a brief time, so they are useful when you are busy. If you don't have yuzu, you can also use kumquat peel (kumquat used in the photo).





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み