3.3.4④ cod with vegetable sauce(鱈の野菜餡かけ)

文字数 1,666文字

塩分2g以内に抑えた減塩レシピ ④ 鱈の野菜あんかけ 
   (1人当たりの塩分 1.4g)

3.3.4 Low-salt recipe ④ Cod with vegetable sauce
    (1.4g of salt per person)


1 鱈は①で下味をつけ、しばらくおいてから、水気をとり、片栗粉をまぶす。
2 玉ねぎ・干しシイタケは薄く切り、しめじはほぐす、人参は短冊切りにする。
3 フライパンにサラダ油を温め、鱈を入れ、両面を焼き、皿に盛り付ける。
4 鍋にかつおだし1/2カップと人参、玉ねぎ、干ししいたけを入れ、柔らかくなったら、ピーマンを入れ、②の調味料を加える。
5 片栗粉小さじ1を大さじ2の水で溶き、鍋に入れてとろみをつけ、鱈の上にかける。


3.3.4 Low-salt recipe ④ Cod with vegetable sauce
(1.4g of salt per person)

Ingredients (for 2 people):
・2 fillet of cod
・1/4 onion
・appropriate amount of shimeji mushrooms
・3 dried shiitake mushrooms (soak in water, then squeeze to drain)
・1 green pepper
・3cm carrot
・2 tsp potato starch
・2 tbsp vegetable oil
・1/2 cup bonito stock
・① A pinch of salt and pepper + 1 tbsp of sake
・② 1 tbsp soy sauce + 1/2 tbsp mirin + 1 tbsp vinegar + ½ tsp grated ginger

How to make:
1 Season the cod with ①, let it sit for a while, remove the moisture, and coat them with potato starch.
2 Thinly slice the onions and dried shiitake mushrooms, loosen the shimeji mushrooms, and cut the carrot into strips.
3 Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and add the cod. Grill both sides, and place on a plate.
4 Put 1/2 cup of bonito stock, carrots, onions, and dried shiitake mushrooms into a pan. When the vegetables become soft, add green peppers and seasoning ②.
5 Dissolve 1 teaspoon of potato starch in 2 tablespoons of water, put it in a pot, thicken it, and pour it over the cod.

Comment: It's a dish that doesn't leave you feeling unsatisfied even though it's low salt.




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み