032力の主 奥義 静虎動竜 せいこどうりゅう SEIKODORYU 

文字数 4,372文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

032力の主 奥義 静虎動竜 せいこどうりゅう Master of Power: Mystery SEIKODORYU

 「今回の力の主は静と動相反する力を両立させる奥義力の主 静虎動竜 せいこどうりゅう Master of Power: Mystery SEIKODORYU 少しオカルトめいた話にすれば静と動の気を体内て両立させるのがこの奥義といえる
それが戦いの場で実現できるなら動 どう 恐れを知らない竜のように苛烈な一撃を放ちながら静 せい 獲物を狙う静かなる虎のごとき技の切れで攻撃をかわし受ける戦いにおける動静の戦い方のいいとこどりができる
力の主 奥義 静虎動竜 せいこどうりゅう Master of Power: Mystery SEIKODORYU はその境地を得られる可能性がある技だ
右半身左半身を半々静動 せいどう の力で満たす 
獲物をしずかに狙う虎の静けさの静と荒々しく襲い掛かる竜の動の動きこの両立こそが力の主 奥義 静虎動竜 せいこどうりゅう Master of Power: Mystery SEIKODORYU だ




032Master of Power: Mystery SEIKODORYU

"The master of this power is the master of the secret art of balancing the opposing powers of stillness and motion: Seikodouryuu. Mystery SEIKODORYU To talk a little more occult-like, this secret technique can be said to balance the energy of stillness and movement within the body.

Why is it a secret technique?

It is usually difficult to balance both. For example, once you get angry, you will direct your anger at anyone, regardless of whether they are trying to calm you down or not, and once you get to that point, your composure will not return for a while.

However, if you can do that, you can gain the composure to control your anger.

If you can achieve this on the battlefield, you can take the best of both the active and passive fighting styles in a battle, unleashing a fierce blow like a fearless dragon while dodging and receiving attacks with the sharpness of a silent tiger aiming for its prey.

When a person gets angry, their strength increases to some extent. If you put that anger into your fist and release it, you will gain more strength than usual, and if you remain calm, you will be able to control your angry fist.

Master of Power: Mystery SEIKODORYU is a technique that has the potential to bring you to that state. Now, let's get to the main subject, the theory behind the technique. If you don't do it in your head, fill each half of your body with the power of stillness and movement. If you want to make it easier to understand, imagine filling your right half with the power of red, which is filled with the desire to defeat your opponent, and filling your left half with the power of blue, which is filled with the careful feeling of calmly watching the fight. Then do the same thing in your brain with the left and right brain. Color-coding the image makes it easier to imagine and get the effect. The reason for doing this to the brain is to have different perspectives for the left and right brain, and to solve the two problems of stillness and movement, where one side alone can be too cautious and attack too aggressively, or get too excited and go out of control, by dividing the roles of the left and right brain. In this way, the right half of the body including the right brain and the left half of the body including the left brain each have the ferocity of defeating an opponent with movement, and the stillness of calmly observing the battle situation. The stillness of a tiger quietly aiming for its prey, and the wild movement of a dragon attacking wildly, this balance is the master of power. Secret technique: Still Tiger, Dynamic Dragon, Master of Power: Mystery SEIKODORYU.

Obviously, learning this doesn't mean you can become a tiger or a dragon.
It's just a step towards the state of mind that others will liken you to.
I don't know if you'll be able to be likened to a tiger or a dragon in the future.
But by knowing this, you've come a little closer to the abyss of the mysteries than those who don't know.

He closed the documents spread out on the podium with a bang.

"That's all for now."




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