036力の主 内 外 ない がい

文字数 9,892文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

036力の主 内 外 ない がい Lord of Power Inside and Outside

 「力の主 全 ぜん といっておいて
脂肪まで含めると多分脂肪が落としにくくなるので骨筋肉皮膚内臓で力の主 全 ぜん 完 かん で完全版です
まず力の主 外 がい
力の主 外 そと の予想される効果は全身の皮膚の下に意思を通すことでの皮膚の耐久度と柔軟性の向上
さて次は力の主 内 ない これは方法は同じ円を描く線で内臓を覆いつくす
当然これも体内の力の流れのルールに従い右回りそして喉鼻の中まで覆ったら力の主 外 がい と同じく入ってきた穴から液体とイメージした意を入れて圧をかけ上に登っていく内臓全部覆えても大事な作業がある
そうすることで力の主 内 で循環させた内臓の力は血管を通じて皮膚骨筋肉と繋がりそこから力の主 全 ぜん で制作した循環のルートはくまなく全身を覆い循環する
そして力の主 内 ない の効果は力の主 外 がい と同じく内臓疾患の治癒効果と内臓の強度と柔軟性と内臓機能の強化
そして完全版となった力の主 全 ぜん 完 かん はその効果の全身に及びどこかを鍛えれば全身に力が循環するため内臓皮膚骨筋肉全身に効果が及ぶことが予想される
しかしこの力の主 全 ぜん 完 かん はそれすら倒す体を獲得できる





036Lord of Power Inside and Outside

I said "Lord of Power all" but I forgot about the skin and internal organs, so I made the Lord of Power inside and outside. This is the complete version, but does not include fat. If I included fat, it would probably be hard to lose fat, so the complete version is Lord of Power all End with bones, muscles, skin, and internal organs. First, Lord of Power Outside
First, make imaginary holes in your feet.
I recommend the heels. The reason is that they are connected to the Achilles tendon, so if you do them together when you want to communicate your will to the bones and muscles, the load and force on the Achilles tendon will be released into the heel bone and through the imaginary holes in the heels, and the Achilles tendon will not hurt.
Then draw a clockwise circle from under the skin of the holes in both feet and raise it up from there. The reason why it is clockwise is because it is generally said that the flow of power in the body is clockwise.
Then, cover the skin of the whole body with the lines of the circle. At that time, create a route in a certain way. You need to do it slowly and little by little, otherwise you will not be able to cover the skin of the whole body completely.
Once that is done, it is time for the real thing. Apply pressure from the heels of both feet and imagine putting liquid in, and raise the liquid and the imagined will upwards.
The first circle line covering the skin of the whole body is just a groundbreaking for creating a route. Even if you put the will imagined as liquid first, you will only have a hard time getting it down because there is no way to enter it.
Lord of Power The expected effect of Outside is to improve the durability and flexibility of the skin by passing your will under the skin of the whole body. Most physical illnesses are caused by the inability of the nutrients and blood in the body to reach the skin normally for some reason. Therefore, if you pass your will under the skin of the whole body, the power flowing through the skin of the whole body will be forced to circulate, so the power inside the body will flow and circulate through the skin of the whole body, so you will not get sick to a certain extent and will heal faster. Now, next is Lord of Power Inside. The method is to cover the internal organs with the same circular line. Of course, it is better to have a picture of the internal organs structure. I recommend starting with the anus. The higher up in the human body, the more likely it is that power will leak if a hole is made. So if you imaginarily make a hole in the mouth or nose, the power may leak out. However, if it is the anus, not much power will leak out except when defecating. Of course, it is not good if it is too big, so make it as small as possible. From there, cover the inside of the large intestine with a circular line. Of course, it is not possible to go into detail, so it is fine to a certain extent. This is a route creation that will prepare the ground for passing your will with the image of liquid. This is because, of course, this also follows the rules of the flow of power within the body, going clockwise, and once it has covered the inside of the throat and nose, just like the Lord of Power, Outside, you put your will into the hole that the liquid entered through, and apply pressure to it, and it rises upwards. Even if you cover all the internal organs, there is still an important task to be done. This is the large and small blood vessels that connect to the heart. Of course, it is impossible to go into detail, so imagine the roots of a plant growing from the heart, and pour your will into the blood vessels. By doing this, the power of the internal organs circulated by the Lord of Power Inside will connect to the skin, bones, and muscles through the blood vessels, and from there the circulation route created by the Lord of Power, All, will cover and circulate the entire body. And the Lord The effects of Lord of Power Inside are the same as Lord of Power Outside, healing visceral diseases and strengthening the strength, flexibility and function of the internal organs.
However, this does not allow for the circulation of power that would not be possible otherwise, so the blood vessels do something to the large blood vessels and blood vessels excluding the heart. This is a problem because it is being imitated, so it is covered. By doing this, extremely small forces other than the nutrients and oxygen carried by the blood circulate throughout the body.
This causes the circulation of power that would not be possible otherwise to occur throughout the entire body due to the blood vessels that are spread throughout the body.
This allows the circulation of the body's power, which is originally independent, to extend to the entire body.
The reason why holes cannot be made in the heart and large blood vessels in the image is because if holes were made there, the circulation of too much power would be too great and it would not be able to circulate naturally within the body, which could cause problems in the worst case.
And the complete version, Lord of Power all End has an effect on the whole body, and if you train a certain part, the power will circulate throughout the body, so it is expected that the effect will extend to the internal organs, skin, bones, muscles, and the whole body. In other words, it is the acquisition of a quality that is close to the highest level in the way of being truly strong and using one's body to compete and fight. It is not a dream to become a true strong person who can defeat not only the opponent but also illnesses within one's own body. Even the most first-class fighters and top athletes cannot easily defeat the internal enemy called illness. However, this Lord of Power all End can acquire a body that can even defeat that.
He can defeat both external and internal enemies and is a true strong man.
In the first place, the possibility of getting sick due to physical reasons is greatly reduced.
In a game with rules, the only thing to be afraid of is old age.
Of course, there are limits due to old age, but if you are healthy and active as a player, you can extend your lifespan.
That said, it may be difficult to stay healthy until you die, but it is guaranteed that you can extend your healthy lifespan.
First of all, if we live in an age where we can survive in good health and maintain the power to defeat our opponents, there is a possibility that we can leave behind an anecdote or two.
Well, I haven't trained in that area, so I don't know yet if I can gain that kind of power, but if I really want it, there is a good chance that I can reach it.
Incidentally I have acquired a circulation of power that is not possible in my whole body.

I still don't know the full picture of what it brings.

And I'm not particularly strong.

Even if I've learned so many mysteries, if I don't train them for fighting, it's impossible to become strong in just six months.

In other words, the tai chi I practice to maintain my health and the tai chi I practice to defeat my opponent are trained in the same amount of time.

Of course, the techniques for maintaining health can't compete with the techniques trained to defeat my opponent.

Well, the results may change if I take the time, but for now I'm not strong.

I close the documents I've spread out on the podium with a bang.

"That's all for now."

And there are only three left.

The farewell is near.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み