001力の主 奥義 生力 せいりき 

文字数 12,974文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.
001力の主 奥義 生力 せいりき Master of Power, Secret Technique, Life Force

 「今回の初めて教壇に立つ私の名は師失人 しうしびと 今回紹介する奥義は力の主と名付けた奥義一つとなる
 その中での今回の力の主は戦いにおいて生涯現役の力の境地を可能とする力の主 奥義 生力 せいりき について
それが生涯現役の力を可能とする力の主 奥義 生力 せいりき である



Master of Power, Secret, Seiriki

Today, an unknown author will take the podium for the first time.

His appearance will be kept secret.

Male, female, or whatever.

Today, an astonishing lecture by an unknown author will begin.

Welcome to the world of the abyss of secrets.

"My name is Shiushibito, and I am taking the podium for the first time. The secret I will introduce today is a single secret called the Master of Power.

Among them, the Master of Power this time is about the Master of Power, Secret, Seiriki, which allows you to maintain a state of power that will last a lifetime in battle.

Anyone who has seen this will have heard or seen a common story in the world of fictional anecdotes, an old master who defeats a young man with a blessed physique.

This time, I will talk about the state of secrets that theoretically makes this possible.

When you hear this, some may imagine a mysterious power or supernatural ability that will never fade, but of course it is not that kind of power, but a power that can be obtained by many people if the conditions are right.
You will understand if you watch to the end whether such a power can actually exist.

Now, there are many ways to hone your fighting power, such as martial arts and sports combat, but did anyone who has seen this know that in modern times, there is a type of training whose effectiveness is denied even by trainers and experts in that field?

This unique training has been passed down for a long time in a certain martial art, but in modern sports studies, it is almost completely denied, and is treated badly by scholars from all over the world in various fields as a superstition, a lie, and ineffective.

It is an unfortunate training that has been passed down for a long time in a certain martial art, but in modern sports studies, it is almost completely denied, and is treated badly by scholars from all over the world in various fields as a superstition, a lie, and has no effect.

It is so much that even amateurs in that field question its effectiveness, and there are even some professionals in that martial art who look down on it.

There is no point in being so pretentious, so let's check the answer.

It is a training such as the horse stance in Chinese martial arts, which is called standing meditation, where you stand while posing and do nothing and stay still.

When you hear that, you may wonder why training that does not move is said to be a power that will last a lifetime. No one other than me would think that this leads to the acquisition of incredible strength. However, in theory, this is a training method that can give you strength that will last a lifetime. Now, let me explain why standing meditation can give you strength that will last a lifetime. What happens if you continue training while standing, taking a pose, and not moving? First of all, in order to continue this training for a long period of time, you must emit force in all directions and emit that force throughout your entire body while balancing your tired and weakened body. In other words, you must constantly emit force in all directions during training. What happens if you continue this until you get used to it and it becomes normal? Is it a state in which you are constantly releasing force in all directions throughout your entire body, or is it the acquisition of the movement of the entire body as a whole unit that is always linked together? Because you are constantly releasing force in all directions of your body, the habit becomes unconscious and the whole body theoretically moves together as a unit without you consciously intending it. What does this force bring about? It is when attacking. In that case, it is expected that powerful blows using the whole body in a coordinated manner will become the norm. Even a blow from a genius fighter famous throughout the world would be impossible. No matter how talented a fighter is, he does not always use the power of his whole body, so it is easy to imagine that his blows will be inferior to those of someone who has gained this power. Even an elderly person, no matter how weak they are as they get older, has more muscles than they appear to support and maintain the body and are active. If they coordinate the power of their entire body and release it as a single blow, it can be said that it is incomparable to the amount and range of power used by a young genius fighter. Most of these young genius fighters, no matter how much they think they are using it, do not always coordinate their entire body. It is highly unlikely that a master who is accustomed to always linking his entire body would have a weaker attack against such an opponent. No matter how old he is, if he links his entire body, the power of the blow will be incomparable to a young person who only links and uses part of his body. Considering the area where the power is used, it is incomparable.
This is the master of power that allows you to remain active for your entire life, the secret technique, Seiriki.
With this, no matter how much you weaken, if you are a young genius who is not using the power of the whole body, there is a good chance that you can win even if you are old.
Of course, it depends on the opponent and the situation, but no matter how genius you are, you cannot win against a blow that is the result of the whole body moving in sync, and the habit of moving in sync.
This is a fundamental power that can be used to fight in your entire life, even if you are old and have lost muscle and your waist is bent.
That is why Chinese martial arts have mass-produced so many and high-quality masters.
It is unknown what genius unconsciously or consciously noticed this long ago when Chinese martial arts were born and incorporated standing meditation into his training, but it is a fighting bare-handed technique developed to survive. Many martial arts around the world do not take into account how to maintain the ability to fight in your active life when you are old, or how to fight and win when you are old, but In this sense, it can be said that it is a martial art that goes deep into the essence as a martial art that continues to fight until death, and a Chinese martial art.However, there is a big problem.It is true that if you can make it a habit to always release power in all directions from your whole body in standing meditation, you will gain the power to stay active for the rest of your life.The problem is the length of time.This depends on the person, and the speed at which you master it varies depending on the state of mind and situation of the training.And if you don't do it mindlessly, it is not easy to develop the habit of continuously releasing power in all directions of your body.Even if you do it mindlessly, it is a state of mystery that is the fundamental strength of a master that is not so easy to acquire.For this reason, it is not recommended for those who are looking for quick results, and can only be recommended to young people who are willing to spend a long time.And even if you do it for a long time, it can be said that it is a training that is not suitable for this noisy and tempting modern society.However, what I can say is that this mystery is one of the mysteries of a master that anyone can grasp if they continue with sincerity.It is not easy to master it. It depends on the person, but if anyone, regardless of talent or lack of it, can train in standing meditation with all five limbs intact, then all people in the world are equally in a position to reach the state of master's secrets. In other words, anyone has the potential to gain the power to become a master who can remain active throughout their life. However, of course, you cannot fight with strength alone, so you need to learn techniques in between, but don't push yourself too hard. If you push yourself too hard, you will neglect to release power to your whole body. Rather than just continuing standing meditation, I would say that you should be conscious of continuing to release power to your whole body at all times. By the way, I am still at the stage of the technique that I have not mastered yet. I have an unnamed forbidden technique that controls the power of the core of life. The technique is the same as the path introduced this time, but I am taking a different path. The unnamed forbidden technique is a technique that intentionally controls the power that all the cells of the human body constantly release in all directions to maintain balance and maintain the body. With a little application, you should be able to use the core technique. If you have seen this, you should already be in the middle of the No one would call the training of national martial arts a lie, a superstition, or unscientific.
Of course, such training may exist, but at least you understand the meaning and importance of standing meditation.
All I can say is that in any field, regardless of right or wrong, most things that are passed down for a long time will not be passed down for a long time unless there is some advantage to them.
One of them is standing meditation.
Well, that's all for now.
As I have said many times, I am a humble person who aspires to be a writer, and I have no experience in martial arts, sports, or fighting, and I have almost no basic knowledge.
This is just one of the by-products derived from studying to be a writer.
The reason I can do this is because I have repeatedly learned fundamental techniques from my works, and that experience and know-how have allowed me to learn fundamental mechanisms and techniques in other fields.
Everything is just an extension of one technique.

Close the document opened on the patten podium.

"Well, let's end it here for now."




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  • 明朝
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