0力の主 奥義得人 おうぎえひと 

文字数 8,317文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text. Even though it is a secret, it is not long and is about 4,000 characters long, so you can read it in about 5 minutes.
009力の主 奥義得人 おうぎえひと Master of power, master of the secret arts

 「さて今回の力の主は一部の人間のあこがれ奥義を得る境地奥義得人 おうぎえひと ついてただしこれはまさに奥義会得の方法だとてもじゃないが現実的ではない

さて一つ目は頭脳の奥義虚空蔵求聞持法 こくうぞうぐもんじほう





009 The Master of Power, Ougiehito

"Now, the master of power this time is the state of mind that some people long for, the Ougiehito, who has attained the secrets. However, this is exactly the way to attain the secrets, but it is not realistic at all. Therefore, I cannot guarantee that my interpretation is correct. Since it is not good to discuss such uncertain things, I have prepared two: mastering the secrets of the mind and mastering the secrets of the body. Now, the first one is the secret of the mind, Kokuzo Gumonjiho. Those who perform Gumonjiho hold up a picture of Kokuzo Bosatsu in a quiet place, make a memorial service, and recite the original Sanskrit words of Kokuzo Bosatsu. Every day, 10,000 to 50,000 Do two sets of 1,000 in a row, chanting a total of 1,000,000 times. Imagine the mantra you are chanting appearing above the full moon, shining golden, then flying out of the moon and pouring down on your head, and imagine the poured mantra coming out of your mouth.
Once again, you may find this too occult to be believable, but don't you think it's a little strange?
It certainly seems strange throughout, but there is one thing that is particularly strange about it, and that is the numbers.
Continue with two sets of 10,000 to 5,000 a day, but of course you don't have the time or space to count such numbers while also using images.
There's no way you can count a million in a hundred days. A specific number is specified as a meas.
First of all, it is impossible to count, but a specific number is specified. In my opinion, the number is nothing more than a meas to enter a mental state for mastering this secret.
If you do this in two sets of 10,000 to 5,000 a day while also using images, after a while you will not have the capacity to imagine properly and even the mantra in your head will become unclear.
Even so, if you continue to chant the mantra in two sets of 10,000 to 5,000 a day, and predict what state you will be in as a result, you will continue to chant the mantra in your mind and try to maintain the content and image of the mantra while trying to imagine it.
In other words, the limit In this state, you keep repeating the mantra and images in your head so that you can remember them without forgetting them. This is thought to be equivalent to training to improve your memory in a limiting state. In such an extreme state, you train your brain's memory by chanting two sets of mantras, 10,000 to 5,000 a day, in order to remember and maintain the complex images and mantra information in your blurred and hazy head. After 100 days, it is expected that your brain will have an incredibly strong ability to remember and not forget memories. As a result, Kukai is said to have memorized entire sutras. In old-fashioned terms, the amount of information is said to be a huge amount that easily exceeds one set of an encyclopedia. And what can be said is that this technique The number is not the real meaning. The important thing is to keep reciting and imagining this until you are exhausted, and to train your memory in an extreme state.

The memory training of the brain in an extreme state is something that people have never experienced in their normal lives.

The effects and impacts of memory training in an extreme state on the brain are difficult to predict.

And the effect will naturally depend on the quality of the extreme brain memory toning.

So the 100 days is just a target.

So the actual effect will vary from person to person.

And I should mention that if you do it too much, it's really dangerous, so if you're interested, please check the situation regularly. It would be best to prepare someone to look at it objectively.
One wrong step and you'll be in the afterlife.

Next, let's talk about the secrets of the body.
It's about understanding the sensations and how to move your body in extreme situations.
One example is the situation when the successor of the fictional Raijin-ryu assassination fist school, which appears in the manga Kengan Ashura, written/drafted by Sandrovich Yabako and illustrated by Daromeon, mastered the secret techniques.
First, they train in extreme conditions, without sleep or food, without food or drink, to the point where they hallucinate.
Their minds become abnormally active and eventually melt into the darkness, reaching the abyss, and then they strike a blow from a blind spot just before death.
Then, With that mentality, you can sense and return the attack.
In other words, by knowing the sensations of the mind heightened to an extreme state, you can sharpen your senses to an uncommon level, move your body with that mentality, and experience the sensations of your body moving with heightened senses to its limits.
What happens when that happens is that you can gain a high level of control over your body and sharp senses.
When you're pushed to the limit, you can use that power once, but you usually can't use it intentionally afterwards. But if you can intentionally feel and know the sensations of using it with your body and senses, you can definitely draw out a little of that power.
Without that, you wouldn't even have a way to access that power. It is extremely difficult to draw it out without any experience, but if there is a way to experience and feel it with a keen sense of extreme conditions, there is a great possibility that you can draw out the power of emergency.
In other words, this secret technique is a secret technique that allows you to use a part of a person's hidden power.
Well, let's leave it at that.
You are free to imitate this, but I cannot take responsibility for anything that happens.
I have only analyzed the theory of this technique and have not yet tried it, so I do not know whether it is true or not.
The theory and theory should be correct, but it is not something that can be done even if you want to.
So, whatever happens, it is your own responsibility.

Slams down the document

"That's all for today."




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