打岩 だがん Hitting rock

文字数 8,658文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.
004打岩 だがん Hitting rock



最低で馬歩を長年続け力の主 生力 せいりき の常に体全体一塊で動く体を獲得せねばまず鍛錬を試し始めることすら無理といえる
それがないものが打岩 だかん をやれはその手足にかかる衝撃は手足で完結し手足をたやすく壊すだろう
当然これは少しつづやらねば砕くコツも力加減もわからないそれも力の主 生力 せいりき の体もなしに少しつづ岩を削るなど体を確実に壊すだけといえる




"That's one of the Chinese martial arts training techniques that appears in Grappler Baki, the first work in Itagaki's Baki series. It's unclear whether it actually exists, but to put it simply, it's a maddening practice that involves using your own hands and feet to break and shave a large natural rock into a sphere. However, if you can do it, you can gain incredible strength."

Patten closes the documents spread out on the podium.

"What should I do this time?"
When you hear that, most people would think that if you can break rocks, it's only natural that you can get strong, sturdy hands and feet. But that's only one aspect of it. You can certainly gain strong, sturdy hands and feet. This training not only gives you strong and sturdy limbs, it is the essence of punching and kicking in battle.So let me explain why you can get the essence of punching and kicking through such harsh training.First of all, to round a large natural rock that is hardly spherical, it is not as simple as just having the limbs and strength to break the rock.If you hit it with that much force, it will create a dent in the rock and depending on the strength, it will not be possible to make it into a sphere.Therefore, to round a large natural rock, you need to smash and chip it with the right amount of force for each part.It is only when you have that perfect amount of force that you can round a large natural rock. It is possible.
The result is a way of striking with the hands and feet that has the power to carve a large rock, acquired in the process of doing so. In other words, a way of striking with the hands and feet that is loaded with the maximum value of one's strength.
And the secret of exquisite control of force and delicate kicking to accurately aim and carve the natural stone into a sphere.
In addition to that, the strong and sturdy hands and feet that make this possible.
The secret of exquisite control of force and delicate kicking to accurately aim and carve the stone, and the way of striking with the hands and feet that is loaded with the maximum value of one's strength, all the important points except the techniques necessary for fighting can be said to be equipped with an extraordinary capacity.
And in the story, Retsu Kaioh, a genius of Chinese martial arts, not only does not come close to the sphere, but also shines with a light that looks like a giant pearl of obsidian. He has created a rock-hitting technique with a rich flow. The skill and power that makes this possible are immeasurable, and it is no wonder that in the side story, he defeats powerful monsters in another world using only his own enhanced limbs, without using any magic, supernatural powers, or skills unique to the other world. Of course, it is incredibly difficult to do. At the very least, you need to practice horse stance for many years and acquire a body that always moves as one unit, the master of strength, and the power of life. It is impossible to even begin to try training. The reason for this is that if you have acquired a body that always moves as one unit, the strong impact of your limbs will be distributed throughout the entire body, which moves as one unit. If you do rock-hitting without that, the impact on your limbs will be completed by your limbs. It would easily break your limbs.
Of course, you have to do this little by little to know the trick to breaking it or how much force to use, and you can say that chipping away at the rock little by little without the body of the force, the source of the power, will definitely break your body.
However, I do not recommend doing it in your imagination to get a feel for it.
In particular, if you do something like that with your foot, the worst case scenario is that the force that cannot be fully diverted will reach the root of the flow of power in the Achilles tendon and start to hurt.
In the first place, the fact that the force that cannot be fully diverted will reach the root of the flow of power in the Achilles tendon and start to hurt is due to the flow of power of a very small mass of existence that has not yet been observed by humans, called a spirit body or image body, which is always overlapping with the human body. Because it is a blockage in the route, if you try to direct power to that spirit or image body through image training, it will clog at worst. Of course, in most cases, this is excessive. Even just trying to kick and smash a huge rock that is impossible in reality is a huge force that is being forced through the Achilles tendon of what is called a spirit or image body that overlaps with the human body. Of course, the Achilles tendon is not designed to be able to direct such a large force without prior preparation, so there is a high probability that it will clog and start to hurt. If you do this repeatedly, no one can take responsibility for anything that happens. It is out of the question to even try. This disease is caused by the body. If you have tried it, you will understand how deep-rooted and troublesome it is. Once it happens, it is impossible to say how many years it will cause suffering. Therefore, by doing something as stupid as testing the truth of what I say with a video project, it will never be balanced by a temporary buzz or an increase in viewers, and it will require the person to suffer many times more than that and take many times more money out of their wallet than they made from the project. It is an unbelievable level of barbarism that will cast an irreparable shadow on the future life of the person who does it, so please keep in mind that if you see such a project, please stop it. Because once something happens, it's irreparable. Ha I will state categorically that for the person who knows the truth of this, the weight of knowing and the regret of contracting this disease are not balanced out by the truth of it.

Even if the truth of the video was tested and confirmed, it goes without saying that if it turns out to be true, there will be a storm of criticism for telling people to stop making it so clear.

The reason why I say this is that if someone reads it and does something strange on their own, I won't respond, I can't do anything, and it's a hassle, so I'm saying it in advance.

It's a precaution in case something happens and they say something or ask for help."

He slams down the documents he spread out on the podium.

"Well, that's it for now."




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  • 縦組み