034力の主 軽 けい Lord of Power light

文字数 10,208文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

034力の主 軽 けい Lord of Power light

2024 9 6現在私の目的は作家になることであり奥義はその副産物に過ぎない
作品も同じ感じでエジソン ダビンチ テスラの勉強を続けたためもはや未知のことを気付き学ぶために考え理解することは無意識化でオート化している





034 Lord of Power light
"This time, I'll be explaining my interpretation of one of the mysterious techniques of Chinese martial arts, the Light Body Movement, so please take into account the possibility that I may be wrong. There are many incredible anecdotes about Chinese martial arts masters, but there are some anecdotes about amazing physical abilities that are often thought to be impossible. There is an anecdote about someone moving on wheat or on fallen leaves floating on the surface of the water without falling into the water on the ground. It seems impossible. However, there are people who can do a degraded version of this. I haven't checked it, so I can't say for sure, but it is theoretically possible. One of them is standing on a raw egg without breaking it. It may seem so impossible and ridiculous that you lose interest in reading, but I would appreciate it if you would listen to the end.
So, is it actually possible? The answer is that it is theoretically possible.
So how do you do it? Before I explain it, it would be easier to understand if I showed you an example.
Buy two bags of the same soft clay from a nearby store, tear open the bag, put something underneath, place them on the floor, and then stand on one of them with one foot.
Of course, the paper clay will leave footprints.
And now we get to the main topic. When you stand on the other paper clay, stand on one foot and move your weight and body so that your weight does not directly fall on the paper clay, and get off the clay.
In that case, However, instead of putting in the most force at the end to descend, try not to transfer your weight to the clay as much as possible.

And if you compare the two pieces of paper clay, you can see that one piece of clay has deep footprints, but the other piece should have shallower footprints.

This is one of the techniques of light body exercises.

In other words, I interpret the principle of light body exercises as the technique of manipulating and reducing the force that transfers your weight to the ground, and gaining light movement.

Of course, there are many different types of light body exercises, and this time we will be looking at one of them.

Therefore, if you can make it deeper, it should be possible to stand on a raw egg without cracking it.

And you can stand on a raw egg without cracking it. Of course, this technique is not a normal one. He stands still on a raw egg, but inside his body he disperses the weight below and manipulates the weight so that the egg does not break. The body movements are complex, and although small, the force is actively flowing and dispersing. Even though he appears to be still, the force is actively flowing and moving. And the ultimate example of this is the skill of riding on fallen leaves on the water surface on wheat. The human body is made up of countless cells, and if the weight and gravity of the body below can be dispersed by the whole body with all those cells, then theoretically this miracle is possible. And if you want to perform light body exercises, I recommend moving your body. The idea is to cover your head with your imagination.
Before you know why you should do this, first imagine that force is being released from the thin skin and muscles of your entire head to the outside, and then lightly tap one side of your head with one hand.
Then, release that image and lightly tap the other side of your head with the same force.
If you do this, you will notice that the pain should be slightly different on the left and right sides of your head.
This is because the image releases pressure from the thin skin and muscles of your head, reducing the damage.
Just a slight image can make such a difference.
It's the same with light body exercise, where you can eliminate weight more efficiently by imagining your whole body.
The image It's difficult to be efficient without a sense of it, unless you spend a lot of time, but if you have an image from the beginning and get used to it and make it a natural sensation, you will improve faster.
Memorizing with your head and senses will increase the speed of improvement in any path, regardless of whether you have talent or not.
Being conscious of yourself as a human increases your ability to ride and control.
That's why covering your whole body with an image is an effective technique in the path of martial arts.
Of course, you can't just imagine it.
You won't get the intended effect unless you circulate the image you've covered in harmony with both yourself and the world.
Even a degraded version can be expected to have a sufficient effect depending on your level of training.
Of course, It's hard to generalize because the effect varies depending on how well you train and understand it. The point is that the key to light body exercises is how to use techniques to reduce the weight you put on yourself. This technique is different from magic that uses ki to make the body lighter. However, if it were magic that made the body lighter with ki, you would only need to train your ki without honing your martial arts skills. It's impossible for only martial artists to master such magic. It's natural that those who practice ki gong can also obtain it, but I've never heard of anything like that. So light body exercises are not magic that makes the body lighter, but the pinnacle of skill gained through techniques. To those who don't know, light body exercises look like magic. It may be, but it is a proper technique.
And what I teach is the theory of the art, not the training method.
And there is a possibility that the training method will be deemed impossible at that point.
The main focus of the power is the theory of the art that is popular with ordinary people and is useful.
First of all, it is common for books and articles of this kind to avoid the difficulty of explaining difficult methodologies that only the person himself can understand, or to use complicated methods to make it difficult for others to understand, but I plan to explain the theory in a way that anyone can understand, regardless of whether it is possible or not.
And there are six more, including this one.
The reason I made these secrets public is because I intend to spread the word overseas when I become a writer.
2024 9 6Currently, my goal is to become a writer, and the secrets are just a by-product of that.
In other words, they are not my main work.
Well, I think that in some fields, I could also be the main work, but all of these secrets were created this year, and I have not had any particular experience of having difficulty in shaping and creating them.
The same goes for my works. I have continued to study Edison, Da Vinci, and Tesla, so thinking and understanding in order to notice and learn about unknown things has become unconscious and automatic.
It is no different even when creating unknown things such as works.
I am surprised that the quality of my works does not decrease even if I do not think deeply.
This is not a joke, I am just making use of my skills.
If I become a writer, I may not experience the pain of creating for several years.
And if my works become popular, these secrets will become a topic of conversation overseas, and there will be a certain number of people overseas who want to buy my works.
In other words, depending on the works I put out, it is almost certain that I will sell a certain number of them overseas.
I can say that I am a much better candidate than a bad new writer.

Closing the documents spread out on the podium with a bang

"Well, that's all for now."

And there are five secrets left




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