021力の主『眼奥 まなこおく』

文字数 7,423文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

021力の主『眼奥 まなこおく』The Lord of Power: "Inner Eyes"

 「さて今回の力の主は前回の力の主『眼 まなこ』の先にある境地
今日2024 8 24発見した奥義となる
それ力の流れを力の主『眼 まなこ』で自分以外の対象に使えた時力の主『眼 まなこ』は力の主『眼奥 まなこおく』を成立させる準備ができている
まさに究極のエンターテインメット拳法といえるのが力の主『眼奥 まなこおく』だ




021 The Lord of Power: "Inner Eyes"

"Now, the Lord of Power this time is a state beyond the previous Lord of Power, "Eyes".

Today, 2024 8 24, I discovered a secret technique.

It's quite mysterious and I thought it might not be suitable for public release, but it's a technique that expands my dreams, so I decided to make it public.

So, what is it? Simply put, it is a re-experience of the flow of power of the object you see.

For example, a battle scene in a movie where an action star uses a lot of CG stunts.

You re-experience the flow of power that the actor is performing in the movie.

If it is a human body or humanoid, the Lord of Power can also be used.

The power that the Lord of Power controls is a technique that controls the power that exists in almost all imaginative, imaginative, and creative other worlds.

That is Even in movies, anime, and manga, there is almost always a power that is controlled by the master of the power. If it is a life form, it can be said to be a universal, absolute rule that transcends even the barriers of the universal world and universe. When the flow of power can be used by the master of the power, the "eye," on a subject other than oneself, the master of the power, the "eye," is ready to establish the master of the power, the "inner eye." Why include not only reality but also movies, manga, and anime? It is full of stronger and more intense movements than reality, and in today's developed entertainment world, it is not easy to use it as a reference or example. It's because the quality is good.
The experience of the powerful flow of power, which is difficult for real people, is difficult to obtain no matter what dojo trainer you have.
In other words, by experiencing the powerful flow of power, which is difficult for real people, you learn the destination you should aim for and the flow of power that makes it possible.
The important point here is to know the flow of power, and in a natural way based on the laws of the flow of power in the real body.
If you try to imitate it by referring to a manga, movie, or anime without understanding the laws of the flow of power in the real body, you will end up with problems in your real body.
So by experiencing the intense flow of power movements in battle scenes from manga, anime, and movies based on the laws of the flow of power in the real body, you may be able to safely scale down the large flow of power that is impossible in reality and make it your own.
The ultimate entertainment martial art is the Lord of Power ``Manakooku''.
In other words, it is a truly dream-filled technique that seriously tries to obtain a part of the strength of a fantasy existence in reality.
Of course, it is unknown to what extent it can be reproduced in reality, but by chasing such a powerful flow of power that is impossible in reality, Experiencing something is a quality experience that you can hardly get no matter how much you train. And there are a lot of seeds that can sprout all over the world. If you re-experience even a part of it and scale it down based on the law of the flow of power in your own body and accumulate it, it is theoretically expected to have a good effect. Knowing the correct answer to aim for, such as strong power and amazing techniques as a model, will greatly affect your future growth. People will achieve success after meeting a truly good teacher. In other words, this means re-experience and know the powerful flow of power that is impossible in reality by using the battle scenes of anime, manga, and movies as your teacher. Those who do not know the heights will never reach the true heights. Anime, movies, and manga are filled with hopes and dreams for those heights. Most people would dismiss it as a creation. No matter how fantasy it may be, as long as it exists in this world, it is connected to the surface of the earth even at a distance. Therefore, if you remove the existence of a world with similar laws and rules, there is a lot to learn. I noticed this today and re-experienced it with a manga. It is still unknown what effect it will have, but it's a lie. I have shown the possibility that it does not exist.
Because I discovered and shaped it, I have the right to be the first to look into the abyss.
And this technique cannot be performed without the master of power.
Even if there is someone who can recognize the flow of power, it cannot be performed safely without knowing the laws and mechanisms of the flow of power inside the body.
This technique is significant because it scales down the powerful flow of power that is difficult to use in reality to a level that can be used in reality without going against the laws and flows of power in the human body.
Even if it is scaled down, it is a use of power with a quality that is usually unknown.
All power follows the laws and mechanisms of nature, so it circulates in a natural way for a long time and does not cause problems.
It becomes more important in proportion to the greater the power you handle.
That is exactly what the power of the scenes in anime, manga, and movies is.
Because it is a great power, we need a master of power to control the fundamental power common to all worlds.
We do not know yet what is beyond that.
I will go first.
If something happens beyond the abyss, I will think about whether to teach it to you then.

Patten closes the materials spread out on the podium.

"That's all for now."




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み