019力の主 意 い The main force

文字数 7,153文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

019力の主 意 い The main force 

 「今回の力の主は意志の力力の主 意 い について




019 The main force

"The main force this time is the power of will. It's not about spiritualism. It's about will, that is, the power that you get by being conscious of it. Have you ever seen a video or an internet video of a qigong master or psychic cutting a disposable wooden chopstick with a business card (a rectangular piece of paper with a name written on it, the size of a fingernail that you can hold in your hand)? When you hear that, you might think it's editing or cheating, but it's just a technique, so if you know how it works, many people can do it with practice. Therefore, how can something that would normally seem impossible in terms of strength be possible?

It's because, although a business card may not seem durable at first glance, there are in fact sides that are highly durable.

It goes without saying that these are the four sides.

You can cut chopsticks by swinging the sides vertically down.

So why is Qigong and psychic powers involved in such a simple technique? It's because of one of the techniques that focuses your attention on the business card.

They say that the chopsticks were cut because they put their psychic powers, or Qi, into the business card, but it can be done normally without that.

In other words, you can put Qi and psychic powers into the business card. By putting power into the card, that is, by focusing your attention on the card, you can correct the swing and cut chopsticks with it.
For example, if you know the correct way to throw a punch and focus your attention on your arm, the punch will naturally be corrected and the power will increase.
In this case, by knowing how to swing the card down vertically from the side and focusing your attention on the business card as you swing it down, you can obtain the effect of correcting the force when you swing it.
Putting energy or psychic power into the card means that by imagining sending something into the card, there is an unconscious correction effect when it comes down vertically.
Of course, even without it, it's still fine. Yes.
To go into more detail, by thinking that the chopsticks are soft, you will prevent the force from unintentionally entering and make it easier to cut with a business card.
If you know the trick, some people can cut with just this with a little practice.
Be aware of the business card, imagine that the chopsticks are soft, and swing them down vertically. These are the three key points.
And the same goes for weapons held in your hand.
A common saying in this field is to think of the weapon you hold in your hand as an extension of your limbs.
This probably has the same effect as this. By thinking of it as an extension of your limbs and focusing your attention on the weapon in your hand, The aim is to increase the power by correcting the force when swinging.

It is not well known, but humans have not only their bodies but also their limbs, and the power they release from their limbs is affected by their consciousness, whether they are sending or receiving it.

The power fluctuates depending on where you focus your consciousness.

The quality of your offense and defense can be greatly different depending on how you focus your consciousness.

This is by no means to deny all Qigong or psychic powers.

It is just that it can be done without Qigong or psychic powers, but it can also be done with Qigong or psychic powers.

It is not a high-level skill that is based on Qigong or psychic powers.

Some heartless people use this as an entry point for fraud or brainwashing, so I have made it public this time so that such people will not be silenced.

The video creators and site owners may be dissatisfied with this, but if their power is real, they will naturally have the power to demonstrate their power in other ways.

If I were to sue me, many people in the world would doubt my ability.

I will say in advance that there is no benefit to either me or the person I am suing.

There may be some legitimate people among those who are troubled by this content, but if that power is real, I would not mind cutting chopsticks with a business card. Even if you say that you have supernatural powers, you have only lost one way to show your power. If you really have power, there is no way to show it, and if you show it in other ways, you can increase the number of people who believe in you. Well, this time it was a small one. Well, it can't be helped, this is a basic technique and I learned it now. Normally, the order is different. I have never studied the basics of martial arts. Therefore, there is no order in which my learning should be. Also, this technique of cutting chopsticks into business cards is a technique used by many fake psychics and qigong practitioners. Of course, not all of them are fake, but it can be said to be one of the common methods to make people believe in such a thing. If you encounter such a situation, before you believe it, calm down a little and make sure that you are acting as if you can trust the other person. If you still want to believe it, it is your freedom, but please keep in mind that at least this technique of cutting chopsticks into business cards is not a high-level skill unique to qigong or psychic powers that can only be done with qigong or psychic powers. "




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み