022力の主 脳 のう 

文字数 9,884文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

022力の主 脳 のう The master of power: the brain

 「今回の力の主は先日少し触れた脳内の使える領域を拡張し後天的に頭の回転力を飛躍的にあげる技力の主 脳 のう について
そしてこの力の主 脳 のう はその領域を開放することで後天的に脳の回転力を飛躍的に上げるわけだ
つまりこの力の主 脳 のう とは普段使えている脳の領域をさらに拡張する
さて前置きが長くなったなでは肝心の力の主 脳 のう で脳にどうやって技をかけるか説明しよう
それを脳内で行うのが力の主 脳 のう である
そして2024年今年に全て開発した奥義全てはエジソン ダビンチ テスラの勉強の未知のことを学び得るノウハウと経験にこの力の主 脳 のう が合わさることで誕生した物だ
当人次第では本当にエジソン ダビンチ テスラのように伝説的な天才を生み出す可能性がある
そもそもの話この三人は当然力の主 脳 のう は施していないはずだ
彼らレベルの高い頭脳と未知のことを学び発見するノウハウと経験と脳の使える領域を拡張し脳の演算回転力を飛躍的に上げる力の主 脳 のう が合わされば彼らすら超える人類史最高の天才を生み出せるかもしれない




022 The master of power: the brain

"The master of power this time is the master of power: the brain, a technique I mentioned a little while ago that expands the usable area of ​​the brain and dramatically increases the speed of the brain after birth.

But first I want to say that this technique is too dangerous to reveal in its entirety.

It is essential to apply the technique directly to the brain.

With half-baked knowledge and experience, even if you succeed, it will bring about ruin.

Now, let me start explaining it.

You've probably heard that there are unused areas of the brain.

And some of you may have heard that there are no such areas.

And I can say with certainty that the human brain There are certainly unused areas in the brain. To be precise, they are areas that are in use in the brain, but do not function properly because the brain is not aware of how to use them correctly, and are simply areas that transmit electrical signals and blood flow. And the brain, the source of this power, opens up these areas, dramatically increasing the brain's rotational power after birth. However, this does not give you psychic powers. The area cannot be opened unless the person recognizes this technique. Therefore, even if a person who does not have psychic powers uses it, it will not awaken psychic powers. Well, if such a power really exists, it is the brain's internal memory that is used to use the psychic powers. It may be possible to open up areas and further enhance psychic powers, but I didn't have that.

I don't need that.

In other words, the master of this power, the brain, is a technique that expands the areas of the brain that you normally use.

It is a technique that opens up areas of the brain that you feel are being used but aren't.

What happens as a result is, in my case, a significant increase in my calculation ability and rotational power.

I can now use the skills I've acquired through experience and knowledge even faster, and I can immediately and intentionally use the skills I've acquired through studying to become a writer.

If you're a student, it's probably a significant increase in your calculation ability and rotational power, an increase in the speed at which you can solve formulas, and an increase in your ability to apply and understand. I guess so.
By the way, my memory didn't improve.
This is a technique that expands the area of ​​the brain that is usually used mainly.
Therefore, memory must be expanded by expanding another area of ​​the brain.
And at this stage, the method is unknown.
Well, that was a long introduction, so let me explain how to apply the technique to the brain, the master of power.
Simply put, it is about intentionally releasing the power that is always taking place in the brain according to the law, and understanding with your mind and senses the flow and mechanism of the power that is taking place in the brain to the area of ​​the brain that is not being used well.
This will allow blood flow and signals to flow, By consciously experiencing the flow of force, which is the use of the brain in areas of the brain that one has not yet recognized, the usable areas of the brain are expanded. It is like learning the role of a component part that one does not know how to use, allowing the model to take a new pose. If one does not know, the mechanism for that pose cannot be used and the model cannot be taken. The brain is the master of force, and it does this in the brain. And when applying techniques to the brain, if it is not done in accordance with the laws and flow of force that are taking place in the brain, it could harm the brain at worst. Laws and flow of force: Many of the same as in the body, but there are rules for the flow of force only in the closed space of the brain. If you perform a technique poorly, even if you succeed, the force coming out of the brain will increase due to the active exchange of force in the brain, but the brain's circuits will not be able to fully release the force out of the brain, and the brain will end up bursting with too much force, making it a dangerous technique. Also, to perform a technique on the brain in an imaginary way, you must perform a certain technique on the imaginary body and secure a route, otherwise it is difficult to reach inside the skull even in an imaginary way. If you force an imaginary hole in the skull, energy will come out from there. - will constantly leak out, and irreparable malfunctions may occur.
My former teacher said that if you do not perform this technique carefully, you could go mad.
Please do not try to imitate this technique out of curiosity.
I cannot take responsibility for anything that happens.
It is certainly theoretically possible to acquire a genius brain after birth, depending on the knowledge and experience before applying it.
However, this is a magic that dramatically increases the basic rotational and arithmetic power of the brain, but it is not a magic that dramatically increases the academic ability of those who do not have the underlying knowledge and experience, even if it is successful.
No matter how high the performance of the supercomputer itself, No computer can achieve its true potential without a suitable OS that will bring out its full potential. It is a technique that students and researchers all over the world drool over. However, the danger is on a completely different level. It is not something that has been advanced. Even if I were to teach it in detail, it would be impossible to guarantee zero casualties. And if it turns out to be a success, I would be in danger if people thought it was a mass-production technique for geniuses, so unfortunately I will not teach it to anyone. And all of the secrets that I have developed this year, 2024, are the know-how and experience of learning the unknown from the studies of Edison, Da Vinci, and Tesla, and the master of this power, the brain. It is born from the combination of these two. As a result, he creates secret techniques at a speed that others would not believe, and without much effort or suffering. There is no great pain or difficulty in creating any secret techniques. When these two are combined, it is even possible to obtain abilities that others would not believe. This is even the case when I started from scratch as a writer, with almost no talent at the start, almost no knowledge or experience, and writing skills at the level of a young child. Depending on the person, it is possible to create legendary geniuses like Edison, Da Vinci, and Tesla. To begin with, these three people Of course, the master of power, the brain, would not have done anything.

If their high-level brains, know-how and experience in learning and discovering unknown things, and the master of power, the brain, which expands the usable area of ​​the brain and dramatically increases the brain's calculation rotation power, are combined, it may be possible to produce the greatest genius in human history who surpasses even them.

However, such a person will not necessarily make the world a better place.

If it is misused, it could even lead to the extinction of humanity.

This is one of those techniques that will only remain a possibility for the rest of your life, except for me."

He closed the documents spread out on the podium with a bang.

"Well, that's about it for now."




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