026力の主 死力  Lord of Power, Deadly Force

文字数 9,173文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

026力の主 死力 しりき Lord of Power, Deadly Force

 「今回は現実世界の人間にはまず不可能な力の主 死力 しりき についてだ
今回力の主 死力 しりき を形にしたのはこの術理が先の何かにつながる期待を込めてだ
さてでは力の主 死力 しりき とは一体何か説明を始めよう
簡単言えば鍛錬を死んで覚えるこれが力の主 死力 しりき だ
それを体の扱い方に向けるのか力の主 死力 しりき だ
それより高い難易度の鍛錬が死を繰り返すことを前提とした鍛錬力の主 死力 しりき だ
つまり力の主 死力 しりき 死を繰り返す前提の鍛錬は死という強烈な痛みの教訓力から誰しも必死にならざるおえず
まさに究極の鍛錬の質をたらし死を回避するために学ぶ力を嫌で高めざる学びの効率化せざる負えないどんな凡庸な人間も短期間で達人に変える鍛錬それが力の主 死力 しりき だ
この力の主 死力 しりき とは自分を死という究極の教訓から学ばせ学ばざる負えないこと負えないことを強制する




026 Lord of Power, Deadly Force

"This time, I'm going to talk about Lord of Power, Deadly Force, which is impossible for people in the real world. This goes without saying, but you should not imitate this, because you will simply die and that will be the end of it. I created Lord of Power, Deadly Force this time with the hope that this technique will lead to something in the future. And because there are no fools who will imitate it, I decided to make it public this time. Please do not imitate it. If you can do it, I guarantee that you will achieve impossible results in a short period of time, but that is only possible in the world of fiction. Even if it were possible in reality, it would be impossible unless it was a legendary magic-level supernatural technique. Now, let me start explaining what Lord of Power, Deadly Force, Shiriki is. Let's do it.
Simply put, you learn training by dying. This is the master of power, Shiriki.
There are some works where you die, go back in time, and start over, which is easy to understand.
Why do such meaningless things have the effect of being called a secret technique?
The real pleasure of the Return by Death series is the accumulation of things that lead to death.
Or should we direct that knowledge towards how we handle our bodies?
This is the master of power, Shiriki.
Return by Death accumulates knowledge of death, which has an extraordinary teaching power in repeating it.
Rather than suffering painfully, you actually experience the intense pain of death and return to death.
It is the experience of the unbearable lesson of the intense pain of failure, which is planted deep in your heart and never allows you to give up thinking.
It forces you to keep thinking all the time. You will be controlled. If you don't think, you will never be able to avoid the excruciating pain of death as long as you go down that path. If you die and you can't escape, you will be forced to think desperately, become aware, and absorb. In fictional works, the protagonist who is thrown into the abyss or the depths of a dungeon and has no significant strength grows rapidly because in order to survive in that extreme situation, he is forced to think, become aware, and solve problems on his own, which forces him to increase his ability to become aware and learn, and as this accumulates, he unintentionally learns the quality of super-difficulty training that would be impossible in normal times. Training of even higher difficulty is the main training power that assumes repeated death. Shiriki It's like adding the unbearable pain of death to the already harsh adaptation to the abyss. One of the reasons why training that assumes repeated death is effective is that it allows you to try and fail again and again. You can try out movements and actions that you normally wouldn't be able to try because of the risk to your life, and the intense lesson of the pain of death is deeply engraved in your mind, so you have to die many times to avoid it, desperately reflect and improve, and experience the correct answer with your body as you die many times. If you keep experiencing death and run away dozens of times with the desire to avoid death, any talented person can learn how to move their body efficiently in less than six months. You can probably learn it just by repeating it.
The desperation to train and learn in normal times to avoid the excruciating pain of death is on a completely different level.
In a short time, you will inevitably learn how to move your body efficiently.
In other words, training that is based on the premise of repeated death, the mastery of strength, life force, and death, makes everyone desperate because of the lesson of the intense pain of death.
In order to avoid this, you are forced to continue thinking and learning through trial and error.
It can be said to be the ultimate highly efficient Spartan training.
If it were possible, it would be possible to complete the decades of training of a talented person in just a few years, and boast extraordinary efficiency.
It is truly the ultimate quality of training and the elimination of death. In order to avoid this, you have to improve your ability to learn, and you have to make your learning more efficient. This is the power of Shiriki, which is a discipline that can turn any mediocre person into a master in a short period of time. Of course, this is not realistic. However, if it is possible, it is practically guaranteed that you will achieve high-density growth in a short period of time that is incomparable to normal training. Please do not try to do this, there is no second chance in life. The only place you can have a second chance is in the world of creation. You only have one life, so trying to die as a test is something a fool would do. This power of Shiriki is a discipline that forces you to learn from the ultimate lesson of death and to learn things that you cannot bear. It is a short-term discipline that forcibly improves the quality of the learning you acquire and your ability to learn. It is an ideal training to improve in a short time. Therefore, if you can substitute the power of the lessons of death with something and reproduce a situation where you are desperately trying to learn, even if it is only a pseudo-reproduction, it can be said to be an ideal training to improve yourself efficiently in a short time. It is highly possible that it will be several times more effective than training done in normal times with a pseudo-reproduction of a degraded version. Of course, it depends on the quality of the reproduction, but there is meaning in knowing and understanding such techniques that no one can do. If you can't do it, it's useless, so don't understand or learn. This attitude can be a turning point in how much you learn. Even if you can't use it, the know-how and experience of understanding and shaping the technique will be passed on to the next thing you shape. It replaces the power of the practitioner.

There are many ways of studying that are inefficient and wasteful, where the time and effort are not balanced with the results obtained, but as long as the learning is established as a learning where the things that should make sense fit together, not even one bit is a waste.

Learning that does not result in learning is the same as saying you have learned something but nothing has been engraved or written in your head or in your notebook.

It is good to make an effort to do numbers, but learning that does not do this is likely to be a waste.

Even if you study numbers, nothing is engraved or written in your head or in your notebook.

If you could learn that way, most people would not have any trouble.

That is probably common to most fields.

Closing the materials spread out on the podium with a bang.

"This is the end for today."




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