
文字数 5,973文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text. Even though it is a secret, it is not long and is about 4,000 characters long, so you can read it in about 5 minutes.
010投げの極意 The secret of throwing





010 The Secret of Throwing

"Now, let's begin the lesson.
The secret of throwing is to make the flow of your throwing power and the force of the opponent in a straight line, and to throw so that the force on the outside accelerates the most.
The lower part is the direction of the force of the thrower.

The upper part is the direction of the force of the thrower.
This is the ideal flow of force in throwing.
And the acceleration of the force of the thrower is always on the outside.
In reality, due to the nature of throwing from the human body, the body will definitely curve.
However, if you can accelerate the force in a straight line when accelerating the force, it can be an effective throw. In other words, the secret of throwing.
In the first place, when throwing with the human body, even if it definitely curves, it is never impossible to make the flow of force in a straight line.
It is possible if you can change your way of thinking.
Even if your body curves when throwing, the head of your physical strength when bending Keep the direction of the force as straight as possible. Then bend your body in the direction of that force and make the flow of force overlap the head of the initial flow of force. Just by doing that, the flow of force used in the throw will be in a straight line. And if you can make the flow of force on the outside of the opponent you are throwing straight as well, the flow of force will connect and overlap, and there will be much less loss of power in the throw compared to normal throws, resulting in a powerful throw. This is truly the secret of throwing. The way to learn this is to visualize the direction of the force as a single line when throwing in your mind. If you repeat this and understand the force of a straight throw in your mind, it will be reflected in your actual physical throw. However, you should never visualize the line of force inside your body in your mind. This is because if you do this, the force inside your body will flow inside your body. It can move more than the circuit, and cause blockages in various parts of the body, and malfunctions can occur.
In such cases, I cannot take responsibility, so I strongly recommend that you imagine the lines of force outside the body, not inside.
One technique for breaking is if you are in a state of antagonism with your opponent, without looking at them in the eyes, the moment they blink, you pull or push the body of the opponent you are holding, and then without a moment's hesitation, you time it with your feet and break them down.
With a normal opponent, they will be confused and won't know what happened in the moment of darkness when they blink.
If you break their legs before they open their eyes and realize that they have been pulled or pushed, they will not be able to respond, and there will be a high chance of an opening, so if you can, go for a throw.
If you have experienced the technique once and have not seen through it, it will almost certainly work, but it is not a technique that you should use against the same opponent many times.
Well, if you only use it a few times, it is a good technique for an official match. It will probably work against opponents with a similar skill level, but against opponents with real strength and mastery, it's probably best to do it once.

That kind of thing won't participate in official matches, and it will usually be easy to get caught.

The other is to wait for the opponent to try to break down the leg, and then aim to break the other leg that is standing on one leg at the same time.

However, you must time it quickly, otherwise it will not work, and if you fail once, you will definitely be wary of it, so it's a one-time technique, and if you miss the timing, you will be broken instead.

It requires high skill to break the strength of the arms, and it often doesn't work due to the opponent's physique and weight. It would be safer to focus on breaking down the legs as a support for the arms, and it will work against any opponent.

He closed the documents that were spread out on the podium with a bang.

"I'll leave this to you this time. And this is the opinion of a judo amateur. Whether or not this opinion is worth believing, I'll leave it to you who have listened to the lectures so far."

From here on, the content will be the same English translation for overseas.




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