
文字数 16,950文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text. Even though it is a secret, it is not long and is about 4,000 characters long, so you can read it in about 5 minutes.

008化勁(かけい)明勁(めいけい)暗勁(あんけい)について About Chemical Power, Ming Power, and Dark Power

サイト史上最強の弟子ケンイチの登場武術・技 中国武術 化勁より抜粋
しかしそれだと説明のつかないシーンも存在する主人公ケンイチの師の一人にして中国武術の達人である馬 剣星(ば けんせい)の棒立ちで中国武術を鍛錬する腕自慢も猛者三人の攻撃を三発攻撃を受け弾き返し何事もなく戦いを収めたシーン
そうくるとますますこれを見たものは混乱することだろう何故なら馬 剣星はその場で動かず構えず棒立ちで腕自慢の物さん人の攻撃三発を受け何事もなく化勁のみで戦いを収めたのだからどう見ても脱力しだけで攻撃の威力を散らしているとはとても見えないからだ
となると馬 剣星の耐久値が異常に高いと勘違いする者もあるだろうが確かに鍛えれば体の耐久値は上がる
しかし馬 剣星は体格などに恵まれていない身長158cm。体重53kgの小男だ
そしてこの馬 剣星の化勁の理屈は作中のシーンから私が解釈した公式設定ではないと覚えておいてほしい






008 About Kakei, Meikei, and Ankei

"Well, last time I said all kinds of kei, but after looking it up, it seems that kei is a general term for the power used in the body with an image, so let's talk about the theory behind the three mysterious kei. First, Kakei, simply put, is a kei for defense. A famous example is the manga Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple. Instead of rotating your arm to block the enemy's attack, you roll on a round stick, using the principle of a roller to deflect the attack without resisting it. Excerpt from Martial Arts and Techniques Appearing in Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple, Chinese Martial Arts, Kakei. Simply put, it is a technique that disperses the opponent's power through the movement and rotation of the body. However, there are also scenes that cannot be explained by that. One of the protagonist Kenichi's teachers and a master of Chinese martial arts, Ma Jianxing, A scene where a man who is proud of his Chinese martial arts training stands still with his body in a straight line and deflects three attacks from three fierce warriors, ending the fight without incident. That can only be explained by the power of magic. Hearing this, many would say that, based on the logic of magic mentioned earlier, how could someone who stands still without moving or preparing to move from the spot deflect attacks with magic? That is a world of fiction. It is the same for those who have studied Chinese martial arts and know magic. However, in theory, it is possible. But why can the power of an attack be reduced with Ka-Ken in the first place? It is because of the dispersion of the force through movement and the absorption of the impact on the body through a moderate strike force that does not lose one's balance while receiving the attack. If an opponent is attacked by someone stronger than oneself, one must face the attack head on, withstand it, or even return it, but be crushed by the force. This is the law of the world. Therefore, by not facing the force head on, but dispersing and absorbing the force one receives, it is possible to withstand an attack from an obviously strong opponent. This is sure to confuse anyone who sees this, because the horse Kensei stood there motionless and unprepared, receiving three attacks from a man boasting about his strength, and ended the fight without incident, using only his ka-ken, so no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like he's just relaxing and dispersing the power of the attacks.

But in fact, the power is being dispersed by ka-ken inside his body.

Why do humans take damage when they are punched in the first place?

The simplest case is that the force exceeds the durability of the person receiving the punch.

In other words, as long as it doesn't exceed the durability, no damage will be taken as a wound.

Some people may mistakenly think that Uma Kensei's durability is abnormally high, but it is true that if you train, your body's durability will increase.

However, Uma Kensei is not blessed with a good physique, being only 158cm tall. He's a small man weighing 53kg. No matter how much he trains, his biological hardness is limited. That's why he uses the technique Ka-kei. In other words, no matter what blow he receives, he can disperse and absorb the force. That way, the damage will be greatly reduced. Now, the only way to do it is to do it inside the body. Of course, the impact power of external damage such as knives can be reduced, but damage to the body cannot be prevented depending on the point of impact. Please keep in mind that this is about blows from arms, legs, or blunt objects. So, can you do it like Batou, standing still and not taking a stance, and use Ka-kei to greatly reduce damage? That is, you can receive the force you receive, circulate it through your body, and convert it into your own power and reinforce the part that was attacked. All force can be absorbed, dispersed, circulated within the body, and the whole body can be used. If you can convert that power and reinforce it with your own body's power, then theoretically you can greatly reduce the damage.
However, to do that you must be aware of the true nature of your body's power, whether consciously or unconsciously.
This technique requires you to absorb and circulate the power you receive in a natural way. Otherwise, if you try to absorb power unnaturally and circulate it unnaturally, the damage will only increase.
And it's not enough to just absorb and circulate it. Of course, impurities that are not suitable for circulation have risks when circulating, so they must be dispersed and expelled from the body.
There are ways to do this, whether it's with your feet or in the air.
The power absorbed in a natural way is circulated within the body, converted into your own power, and reinforced to the body, so there is no problem even if you circulate the opponent's large power within your body, convert it into your own power, and reinforce it to your body.
And this horse Please remember that the theory behind Kensei's Ka-jin is not an official setting that I interpreted from a scene in the story. And this is not an official setting by Matsuena Shun-sensei. It is my personal interpretation that I analyzed after watching Matsuena Shun-sensei's Kenichi: The Strongest Disciple in History. Therefore, my opinion may differ from that of Matsuena Shun-sensei. Since this is non-fiction, it is good manners to delete it if Matsuena Shun-sensei says anything. In Chinese martial arts, the famous standing meditation such as horse stance is a good way to master this. The greatest advantage of standing meditation is that you can feel the power that is constantly being performed by your body because you are not moving. It is a power that is deeper and has higher application than any other training, as it unconsciously recognizes the fundamental power. However, it takes a considerable amount of time to master it, and depending on your talent, method, and awareness, how much you need to do to master it will vary from person to person. Differences
It's one of those techniques that you can never master in your lifetime, depending on how you think about it.
However, if you're aware of it and how you do it, it's a technique that can be gained a lot if you take the time.
It's impossible to do it consciously like I did, and understand it with your head and senses.
There are no shortcuts to master a technique that takes decades to learn in a short period of time.
Therefore, this technique is quite advanced, and even if someone who doesn't know the flow and laws of power in the human body tries it, they will not be able to circulate the power they receive in a natural form, and will overlap the power of the attack on their body, causing further damage.
And I forgot about the previous sunkei, but for normal ones, it's also important to increase the power of the kei using breathing techniques.
Of course, the same goes for kakei, but in the teaching of a different path from the martial arts I learned from my former teacher, everyone in that path will place importance on I have not tried any breathing techniques to improve my strength. This is because if you do too much unnatural breathing, it will disrupt the harmony of your body and harm your body and energy. It is certainly not wrong to use special breathing to improve your strength in martial arts. If you make it a habit and always improve your strength, it is one option if you live the way of the martial arts. However, I do not intend to go that route at the moment, so I do not attach importance to breathing techniques. I just try out what I have learned with natural breathing. In short, if the breathing techniques are to improve your strength, they do not need to be special. If you add a little ingenuity to natural breathing, it will be possible to use natural breathing to improve your strength as a martial art. If you do not do this, there will only be problems with the circulation of force due to the understanding of this force. This is a natural flow of force that circulates within the body and reinforces the body. This is because even if you receive a strong force that would normally cause injury, the damage is greatly reduced.
If this is to be learned as a martial art, it is natural to take the martial arts form, but I have not mastered it as a martial arts practitioner.
So it would be unnatural to improve your strength using a martial arts form.
Therefore, I do not place importance on special breathing.
Now, next is about Meikei. Simply put, it is a blow that you can tell is a jin.
As mentioned above, if it has the power of jin, anyone can tell if it hits.
One way to use jin as a strategy is to alternate this with Ankei.
Now, what is Ankei? Simply put, it is a jin blow that you do not realize you have been hit with.
To put it simply, it is a blow of jin that does not cause much damage even if you receive a blow, but in fact it is a state in which jin has been released.
What is the use of such a thing? To give an easy-to-understand example, Ankei is like a support skill that increases the damage of an attack when it hits without letting you know that you are receiving damage as an kei.
If you think about it in reality, it is a very scary attack. Even if you think that the attack is not very effective, there is definite damage to your body that you do not notice, and when you receive an attack there, the damage increases because your defense power is lowered to a level that you do not notice with Ankei. The more Ankei is received, the more weak points that the person does not notice will continue to increase, and if Ankei is received in the same place, that place will become even more vulnerable and more susceptible to damage.
If you do not know about the existence of Ankei, it is difficult to even take countermeasures.
And the damage is not as noticeable as Ming Jin, but the damage increase Ankine and power-focused Ming-Kine. If you don't have knowledge of this mixed-up exchange, you won't even be able to guess what kind of technique the person you're facing is using. As expected, when it comes to Ankine, you can imagine how to hit and imagine it, but I don't know the details, and since this is a dangerous subject that shouldn't be taught, I won't say any more. I'm sorry, but if you want to know about Penetration-Kine, look elsewhere. There's a lot of stuff like this out there. Among them, the ability to see the truth is also a quality of those who aspire to that path. And as I've said many times before, I'm an aspiring writer, and just because I understand these techniques and mechanisms doesn't guarantee that I can do it. And I've only been learning it for a few days, If I could use such advanced techniques right away, I wouldn't have any trouble.

Also, I'm not interested in competing at the moment.

So even if I master it, I don't know how much I can do.

It's a technique that increases the chances of survival no matter what, so I'll make it to a certain extent, but I don't know how far I can go.

Well, excuse me.

When we'll meet next will depend on my learning and my mood.

Well, I've learned and improved my power, and I'm making progress in outputting my power in many areas.

But there's still a long way to go, and the road is long and deep.

In a way, I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of abyss I'll fall into.

If you learn this, it's best to express it as falling, not rising.

I'm not going to climb up by learning a lot of this. It's not an easy expression to use, but it's natural to fall into the abyss. And because I don't have any natural talent, I'm trying to reach the abyss with the skills and learning I've acquired. If I were creating something like this, it would be impossible without some convenient skill. But I won and prepared it all by myself. I didn't cheat at all like they did. It's a power that makes me feel good and I don't feel guilty at all. The protagonists of the world of creation often borrow something from others and splash out with a smug look on their face. If it were me, I would feel guilty and work secretly. In reality, it's the law of the world that those who don't know the value and meaning of their own strong power will be ruined."

Patten closes the documents spread out on the podium.

"That's all for now."





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