018力の主 奥義 吸 きゅう

文字数 7,693文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text.

018力の主 奥義 吸 きゅう Master of Power, Mysterious Technique, Suction

 「今回の力の主は相手の攻撃を吸収する奥義力の主 吸 きゅう について
しかしそれだげては不十分だから力の主をくわえる事でもう一つのクッションをもうけたのが力の主 奥義 吸 きゅう である
今回はその頭にバットでも強い力で振り下ろされても体全体や関節をクッションにすれば大きくダメージを減らせる可能性のある技それが力の主 奥義 吸 きゅう である
それを利用しイメージ上でダメージを吸収する機構を生成しそれ吸収し全身と連動させるそれか力の主  吸 きゅう だ
イメージ上でも力の主 散 さん と合わせてお勧めしない
これが力の主 奥義 吸 きゅう である」




018 The Master of Power, Secret Technique, Suction

"The Master of Power this time is a secret technique that absorbs the opponent's attacks, the Master of Power, Suction. Simply put, it is a secret technique that uses the entire body and joints as a cushion to absorb the opponent's attacks. However, that alone is not enough, so by adding the Master of Power, another cushion is created, which is the Master of Power, Secret Technique, Suction. If you are someone who uses the entire body and joints as a cushion to absorb the opponent's attacks, I think you can understand the logic, but everyone can understand that there is a limit. For example, if a bat is swung down on your head with great force, If you do that, even if you use your whole body and joints as a cushion, your skull will shatter at worst.

This time, even if a bat is swung down on your head with great force, if you use your whole body and joints as a cushion, it is possible to greatly reduce the damage, and this is the technique called the master of power, the secret technique, Kyu.

When you hear this, some people may laugh at such absurd nonsense and stop reading.

However, there should be no fatal holes in this theory.

Now, let's get back to the point. In the first place, why is it that if a bat is swung down on your head with great force, your skull will shatter at worst, even if you use your whole body and joints as a cushion? This is because the force of the bat being swung down is not absorbed by the entire body and joints as a cushion, and the force that cannot be absorbed is applied locally to the skull, causing it to break.
If that is the case, then to prevent this, we should create a cushion in the skull to absorb the force.
Of course, this is physically impossible.
It is true that there are cavities inside the bones, but the human body is not expected to use them primarily as cushions.
If we assign such an unexpected role to the human body, it is inevitable that it will break.
So how do we make the skull act as a cushion to absorb the force it receives?
It is in the image.
This may sound like a ridiculous world of fiction, but it is possible in this real world if you don't expect a level like in a manga.
Although many people do not know this, the forces that flow in and out of the human body can be influenced and controlled to a certain extent by consciousness.
For example, if you know the correct way to throw a punch and throw it while being conscious of it, the power will increase to some extent.
Just as knowing how to take a defensive position and how to parry an attack and being conscious of it will reduce the damage you receive, the forces that flow in and out of the outside and inside of the body are influenced by the will depending on the perception of the image and the way you imagine it.
So By using this, you can create an image mechanism that absorbs the force received by the skull and flows it through the body, which is linked to the entire body. By doing so, a strong blow to the skull will absorb the force received and flow through the body, circulating throughout the body and converting it into your own power. Even strong partial forces that cannot be absorbed by the entire body or joints with just a cushion will circulate throughout the body, be absorbed, and be converted into your own power. If you don't think this is true, imagine that there is a small black hole in one hand and hit the palm of your hand with your fist. Then, with the other hand, If you hit with the same force without imagining it, the pain should be slightly different.
This is done by creating a small black hole in your image, and the force inside your body moves due to that image, absorbing and reducing damage.
Using this, you can create a mechanism to absorb damage in your image, absorb it, and link it to your whole body, or the main force is sucking it in.
However, for this to happen, even if you can create an imaginary mechanism to absorb and release the force of a strong blow to the skull, it must be connected to your whole body, otherwise depending on the size of the force it may not be able to be absorbed and dispersed, and in the worst case scenario, your skull may shatter. If the mechanism of the image of scattering, absorbing, and flushing the force is linked to the whole body, the body can absorb more damage because the whole body absorbs the damage received. In reality, swinging a bat down on your head is a suicidal act, and it's not as simple as just standing there and absorbing damage with your whole body. It's dangerous, so don't even try practicing it. We can't take responsibility for anything that happens, and whatever happens is your own responsibility. I don't recommend it in conjunction with the image of the Lord of Power, Scattering. Because whether you absorb damage inside the body or release it outside, your body is not made to absorb a lot of power. If you let it out, it can cause abnormalities in your body, so if you do it too hard, I can't take responsibility for anything that happens.
Ideally, try it a few times lightly.
Now, back to the topic, this isn't about the force you receive from your head. In theory, if you cover your whole body with an image mechanism that absorbs force and flows it into your body, and connect it to your whole body, it is theoretically possible to absorb attacks from all parts of your body and greatly reduce damage.
Of course, it goes without saying that it depends on the opponent and the situation.
This is the main power, the secret technique, Kyu.

Patten closes the documents spread out on the podium.

"That's all for now."




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