
文字数 16,585文字

For those of you overseas, there is an English translation after the Japanese text. Even though it is a secret, it is not long and is about 4,000 characters long, so you can read it in about 5 minutes.

006多くの人が力の加速で説明できない一撃『寸勁』について"Sunkei"One Inch Punch

つまり寸勁を実用的なレベルにするにはこれらの条件を満たし発勁の意識することで十分な威力を乗せられるイメージのアシストの練度それにのる十分力を生み出す武術用の密度が高く多いエネルギー体内に蓄え震脚による踏込そしてワンインチ≒3.03cm距離 の距離からの力の加速の一撃にそのすべてを一定量合わせて力の加速をがっちさせる




006 A blow that many cannot explain by the acceleration of force: "Shunkei"

"Now, Fa Jin is one of the techniques of Chinese martial arts that almost everyone who likes fighting manga knows and longs for at least once. Among them, there are few techniques that Japanese people who actually study and train in Chinese martial arts question the existence of as much as Sunkei. For those who don't know, Sunkei is a blow that is so close that it is called one inch, or 3.03 cm. If you heard about Sunkei, most people who learned Fa Jin in Japan would probably say that Sunkei is a lie, an exaggeration, a fabrication. I think so.
It is true that one inch is equal to a 3.03 cm punch, and considering the laws of acceleration of the human body's force, it is nearly impossible to make it an attack.
But that's not true. It is certainly difficult to meet the conditions, but in theory, if the conditions are met, it can be considered an attack.
If you hear that, anyone with experience will probably think it's a lie or a fabrication.
If you think so, I can assure you that it's not too late to watch it to the end.
Those who see this for the first time may not understand, but those who have seen the series will know that I will not release anything that will betray everyone. I think you understand.
So, what is Fa Jin anyway? Simply put, it is a strike that releases power in a straight line and produces high power.
But if that's the case, there are many strange things about it. Li Shuwen won the fight by slamming his head into his torso with one strike, and then there's the blow of accelerating the power of the human body.
But can you produce that much power just by releasing that power in a straight line?
Of course you can't. He has the same human body structure as us, and it's almost the same.
So how can you produce such incredible power? Let's leave that aside for now.
There are various ways to use Fa Jin. There are various ways to draw the force of the cross that moves the force in a spiral, but the essence is the same: accumulating force through imagery and supporting it with imagery to release the force in a straight line. For example, if you decide to punch and then wait a few breaths, you will end up using more force than you expected. In this way, the human body uses force that would not be released without consciousness by being conscious of it before releasing it. This is what Fa Jin uses. Draw the force of the cross that moves the force in a spiral, which will allow you to store some force. In other words, the force of Fa Jin and the idea of ​​moving and storing weight are Image is the same as pulling the string of a bow or crossbow. Naturally, the more you pull the string, the more powerful the arrow becomes. The same goes for Fa Jin. For that reason, in the real world, there is also the concept of accumulating power, Accumulating Power. And the power is released in a straight line, so the image needs to continue until the punch hits. By imagining while you are hitting, the image is corrected and it is automatically corrected to a certain degree to be in a straight line. For example, if someone who does not know how to throw a punch learns how to do it and then hits, the punch will be corrected even if they do not intend to. Naturally, the more skilled you are, the smoother it will be. Being able to visualize it efficiently and being conscious of it increases the power you can ride and makes the movement of that power faster. Therefore, even if it's called Fa Jin, if it's not stored or moved, you can't expect to ride on the power of being conscious of it, it's just a normal attack with the flow of power slightly corrected. It's only a slight increase in the base. Naturally, you can't expect the power of Fa Jin. That being said, this alone doesn't mean Sun Jin is of any use. Because it's missing something important. So I won't say something as obvious as shaking your feet and stepping forward with a trembling leg. No.
For those who don't know, Zhenjiao is a technique that simply increases the power of Fa Jin by shaking and stepping forward with your feet. If you simply shake your body and then launch an attack, you will see that the power has been increased. This is simply the power of the vibration being carried over to the attack. Stepping forward when attacking is a common technique in many martial arts. Now, the secret to increasing Sun Jin to a practical level lies in the energy inside the body. When you hear that, it sounds like an occult, but it's not something to be scoffed at. I have never heard of a legendary master born from training based on modern sports medicine. This is probably true of everything here. If efficient training based on science is correct, instead of the questionable efficiency of past training, why has Chinese martial arts, which is an on-parade of unscientific training such as Ma Zhan Zhuang, which is rejected by sports medicine, produced so many masters? No matter how you look at it, it's too many to be lies or creations. There may be some exaggeration, but to have all of those numbers being fakes, it's impossible that everyone at that time was a fraud. And the fact is Modern sports medicine Even with all the training efficiency, no legendary masters have been born yet. It is certainly difficult for someone who has only been alive for a hundred years to produce a superhuman. However, it is strange that even a glimpse of a superhuman has not appeared among the many talented people who have been trained with the efficient training of modern sports medicine over the past few decades. Unlike the era of past masters, education, environment, knowledge, training, and diet are at a high level and are scientifically based and efficient. There are several secrets, but this time I will explain the energy involved in Fa Jin. Simply put, you just need to change the nature of the energy in your body so that it hurts the body and increase it. However, just increasing the energy in your body does not mean that you can use it in a fight. Soichiro Takato, who wrote many books on Qigong during the Showa era and was called a modern sage, wrote in his book that he was surprised that the energy he had increased was completely ineffective against the energy increased for martial arts. To begin with, the energy he was increasing was of a different nature. The energy he was increasing was energy that could be used for treatment and maintaining health, and martial arts was energy that could be used to attack the opponent. Energy from substances that can cause damage
And if martial arts energy is used for treatment, it may not suit some patients and may even worsen their illness
It is not widely known, but the type of energy that becomes poisonous to humans varies depending on their personality and mental state
Therefore, some people who use energy for treatment do not have this knowledge and say nonsense that even if the energy does not suit them and the treatment makes them worse, the initial worsening is a sign that they will be cured
In that case, even if they are cured, it will become poison and the poison will become medicine and they will get better, so it is not a real treatment
Now, let's move on to the off-topic story
Why does the power of Fa Jin increase when energy similar to such martial arts substances is increased
Simply think about it, and you can see that the higher the density and amount of energy in the body, the stronger the power generated within the body will be
When there is a lot of energy, which is the driving force, the power generated will be stronger
If the density is high, it can be said that the number of particles that can be loaded with the power of particles is also high
Well, in modern times, energy within the body has not yet been observed, but the energy within the body is also a particle This time, I want you to make an assumption.
If you combine this with the image of Fa Jin, then of course the total amount of force applied will increase by being conscious of it.
The more energy there is, the higher the density, and the greater the total amount applied.
The power of Fa Jin will be different when it is released.
If it is energy that is close to matter, it is natural that the power carried by it will have a more aggressive nature than ordinary human energy.
If the density and amount of that is gathered together, it can be said that it will have an even greater effect.
To use an analogy that is easier for modern people to imagine, Fa Jin can be said to be a charged particle gun using the body.
In the first place, a charged particle gun is a gun that uses charged (material) It is a weapon that fires charged particles (body particles that are charged with electricity in an accelerator) by applying voltage to them in the accelerator and accelerating them to sublight speed. If you think of these particles as a force that is moved by the acceleration of the body, and the process of applying voltage to the particles in the accelerator to produce acceleration as a force produced by density and high energy, you will understand how amazing it is. If you explain a charged particle cannon in terms of Fa Jin, you can imagine it as being charged, and prepare the foundation necessary for acceleration by applying voltage to the particles in the accelerator to accelerate them to sublight speed, and use the energy inside the body as the source of Fa Jin. Think of it as a blow that accelerates the energy of the energy by putting more power into the density of the Lugi.

By the way, this is something I just looked up and added after looking into the charged particle cannon, so it's possible that my interpretation is wrong, but it's probably not entirely wrong.

However, the charged particle cannon is one of the fictional weapons that can be used in anime to a certain extent but doesn't exist at a level that can be used.

The fact that something similar to such a super weapon exists as a technique that can be used by the human body is a great romance.

However, if the energy in the body is increased too quickly, the limbs cannot tolerate it and damage can occur. If the circuits that release Fa Jin and the spiritual holes in the limbs are small or clogged, the energy of Fa Jin that does not completely escape will damage the body. Conversely, if they are too open, the energy will constantly leak out. Therefore, serious training in Fa Jin is not recommended for self-study. In other words, to make Sun Jin practical, you need to fulfill these conditions, be conscious of Fa Jin, and be skilled in the image of assisting with the image of being able to carry sufficient power. High density, large amount of energy for martial arts that generates enough power to carry it, is stored in the body, and stepped forward with the shaking leg, and one inch ≒ 3.03 cm distance. When all of these conditions are met, Sunkei becomes a theoretically practical blow. Well, it's very difficult and may be called an impractical dream. However, when something that was thought to be impossible is said to be possible, it inspires romance, so even though there were some stories that were hard to believe, I tried to make it so that even those who don't believe in those stories can enjoy it and think it seems possible even if they don't believe it. Of course, this is my personal understanding of the technique of kei. I may be wrong. No.
But I thought I had erased all the contradictions, so I'm not entirely wrong.
Chinese martial arts are great after all.
I don't know how much of the rare skills that have produced so many legendary masters will be lost due to the current Chinese government's policies, but I sincerely hope that they will remain and not disappear.
This is the end of my talk for now.
My poor writing may have been difficult to understand, but please forgive me for that.
Then, whether we meet again someday depends on my mood and what I've learned."

Patten closes the documents spread out on the podium.

"That's all for now."
一撃『寸勁』について"Sunkei"One Inch Punch




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