5.Sunday March 31, 2019

文字数 8,595文字

"So who is the culprit?" Kira asked.
"It's time to talk about it."

Even as Maruta said this, 〈Captain〉 kept his dark face turned toward the table.
It remains to be seen how this man will respond. Maruta still avoided direct statements.

"The chances of Silva-san having committed suicide are probably close to zero. With all these elements that make a locked room murder possible, it is impossible to say that he just strangled himself in the room as a result. And he has no motive. It is hard to imagine that someone who was so determined to succeed as a video creator would suddenly commit suicide one day. However, I didn't mention this earlier, but if what I have said so far is correct, we have seen some unnatural points in his behavior."

"I was going to ask about that too."
This time, Maruta accepted Kira's question. The end of the logical path was just around the corner.

"Yes, there were many behaviors, such as Silva-san going out of his way to fix the camera to show the door to the room he was entering, as if he himself was guiding the incident. This, too, is probably now known only to the culprit, but it is thought that he was seduced by the culprit. Perhaps Silva-san knew the arrangements to lock the door from the inside of the room, except for his own death. Otherwise, there is no explanation for his behavior. If it is possible, this is what I mean. I think he was encouraged to make a video on a theme such as, 'Will people in the room that rotates inside notice the trick?' Of course, it was the culprit who made him do so. In this case, Silva-san would have been aware that after moving from Room A to Room B, he would wait there. I believe the plan was then to have him come out when all the members were in the place after the middle room rotated. If, at that point, Silva-san casually asked the members, 'Which entrance did you come in from?', the project would be a success. Those who did not know what was going on thought that the purpose of the day was only to 'Search for haunted places.' I am sure that these people would have had a puzzled look on their faces if they had been informed of the structure of the house. Considering who financed the construction of such a building in the first place, it is at least predictable that Silva-san knew the structure of the house. Silva-san is the only person who is the most senior and experienced of the day's participants. The culprit must have infused him with the fake project I just mentioned regarding the room that rotates inside and had him build that house. He could have convinced Silva-san by saying that the house could be reused for another project."

When Maruta looked at them, he could see Kira's face as he waited patiently for the conclusion.
〈Captain〉's shoulders slumped in disappointment, as if he had been overwhelmed by the story.

Maruta's heart raced as he became aware of the looming conclusion.
There should be no contradiction so far. He exhaled long enough to make no sound. Then he said.

"To backtrack a bit, after Silva-san stayed in his room, the four of you went outside, except for Number 4-san. After all, that is the key to identifying the culprit. Captain, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but at that time you drove to the city center. That's fine, but who was in the car? Yesterday, we went around to the stores where you went shopping and also drove to the site of the house where the incident took place. The time it took was about 30 minutes. If we had purchased lunch boxes for six people, it would have taken roughly forty to forty-five minutes. Don't you think it is somewhat too time consuming? An hour at most was the time between your going out and coming back that day. Considering the round trip, it is hard to imagine that it was done in one car. It was easily predictable, but what I'm trying to say is that you went into the city center in two separate vehicles."

This was the third time that day that Maruta took up his own smartphone.
He confirmed that 〈Captain〉 was still conscious.

"I know this will sound abrupt here, but this is also important, so please listen. I will read out the contents of some of the videos in which Silva-san appeared with you, Tokyo Spread, in chronological order. First, in September 2017, Silva-san and you, Captain appeared together in a video. It consisted of Silva-san surprising you by knocking a bouncy ball, disguised as a crystal ball, to the floor."

Thereafter, Maruta similarly read off the videos one by one, including when they were posted, their contents, and the performers.

2) December 2017 'Silva Receiving the Box'
 Performed by 〈Silva〉, 〈Captain〉, 〈Kirvy〉, and 〈Shaggy〉.

3) January 2018 'Silva Opens the Champagne'
 Performed by 〈Silva〉, 〈Kirvy〉, and 〈Shaggy〉.

4) March 2018 'Visiting Alma Mater'
 Performed by 〈Silva〉, 〈Captain〉, 〈Kirvy〉, 〈Shaggy〉, and 〈Mont Blanc〉.

5) Around March 2018 'Playing with Water Balloons'
 Performed by 〈Silva〉, 〈Captain〉, 〈Kirvy〉, 〈Shaggy〉, 〈Mont Blanc〉, and 〈Number 4〉.

6) March or April 2018 'Ueno Park Walk'
Performed by 〈Silva〉, 〈Captain〉, 〈Kirvy〉, 〈Shaggy〉, 〈Mont Blanc〉, and 〈Number 4〉.

7) June or July 2018 'Watching Soccer'
Performed by 〈Silva〉, 〈Captain〉, 〈Mont Blanc〉, and 〈Number 4〉.

"In this way," Maruta fought back the pain in his grazing throat. "If you put the videos in the order of submission, you will get the idea. The second, third, sixth, and last videos were posted outside of Silva's channel, so the exact date of each was not clear. However, the timing can be inferred from the content. In the second video, Captain, you gave something to Silva-san that looked like a gift. Do you remember? The day this was taken, from the content, it is safe to assume it is Christmas. Also, regarding that year, Captain, you mentioned that you 'apprenticed with Silva-san' around April 2017. Suppose that during that period you visited him for the first time. Since you first appeared in his video in August 2017, I would say this is appropriate. Meanwhile, in August of 2018, Silva-san passed away, though it goes without explaining. In other words, there is no other year than 2017 that you could have spent with him in December. The third can be said, by the same logic, to have been taken in January 2018. As for the sixth, there, Silva-san released the words, 'Yuya is busy -'. Naturally, 'Yuya' would refer to Kira-san. Do you remember when Kira-san got busy? It was around August 2017, after Milley-san passed away, that he began preparing to enroll in a technical school. In addition, cherry blossoms bloom in Ueno from this time of spring until the beginning of next month. Therefore, we can say that this video was taken in March or April 2018. As for the last video, you don't need another lengthy explanation. It must have been taken during the time of the Soccer World Cup, which took place last year. So we can see that the last video was dated last June or July. There is, of course, a reason why I have been so detailed in determining when the videos were posted. From what you say and do, Captain, Kirvy-san and Shaggy-san are each equal, and the three of you are 'seniors'. While Mont Blanc-san and Number 4-san are 'juniors' to you. Then the two of them must have joined Tokyo Spread at the time after the three of you. Shall I read out the performers in those videos one more time? That's enough. We can say clearly that Mont Blanc-san and Number 4-san joined Tokyo Spread between January and March 2018. That's not a big problem, do you think? This is extremely important. When was the last time you attended Milley's offline gathering as decoys? Yes, that was April 2017. There are images online that show what you looked like back then. One of them showed the four members of Tokyo Spread, excluding Number 4-san. Why was Mont Blanc-san, who was not yet a member of Tokyo Spread at the time, attending Milley's offline gathering? Captain, you said a week ago that 'original members were invited' to that Milley's event. Who exactly are the 'original members of Tokyo Spread'? Mont Blanc-san and Number 4-san, who would have joined later, cannot be the 'original members'. In other words, Mont Blanc-san was a genuine fan of Milley. At the time, he happened to be attending the Milley's event as a guest."




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