4.Sunday March 31, 2019

文字数 4,789文字

"(I changed my mind, I can't kill him.)"

This was written in July 2018, a month before the incident.

"Mont Blanc gave up his desire to kill here." Number 4's voice was trembling. "Captain mentioned it earlier, didn't he? Mont Blanc, me too, but after attending Tokyo Spread, we were informed that Silva-san did not kill his girlfriend. Besides, at this point we had spent four months with him. No matter how much he may have thought of Silva-san as an enemy at first, how could he not have feelings for him? The five of us really had a good relationship with him. When we were broke, he fed us. He even provided us with a place to sleep."

Maruta was in a mood to be admonished as he listened. At the same time, he regretted that he had so easily assumed Mont Blanc was the culprit.

〈Number 4〉 continued to speak. "This is my opinion, but I think Mont Blanc fell into a trap. He must have been blinded by money and put his address on the board without thinking too deeply, also about the aftermath. Even if he were to blend in with a group of Silva's juniors as a murder executor, it is a given that he will eventually be traced once the group becomes well-known. There was also a great possibility that someone would leak this record. If that were to happen, we can see him getting caught, unless he flees overseas. I don't know if he thought that far ahead, though."

Unable to find the words to reply, Maruta turned his attention back to the PC. There, the will of the criminals was boiling with frustration.

"Hey, executor, You don't think you're getting cold feet at this point, do you?"
"Have you forgotten how much we paid you?"
"You know you can't get a refund now, right?"
"We can even identify who you are from the GN image you posted."

A number of near-curses followed. Maruta was again staring at the screen when he spotted the bracketed words.
"(GN is innocent.)"
"Don't think you can get away with a lie like that."
"Don't tell us you've forgotten what GN did."
"I'm so jealous that you only get paid and do nothing."
"Wait, calm down, guys. Okay, let's do this. We can provide another executor. Hey, the loser, listen up. You go into the room with the GN as planned. So, a substitute executor enters through the window. At that time you hold GN's body down and cover his mouth."
"Hey, you hear us?"
"(I hear you.)"
"When you do, give the money raised here to the new executor."
"(Can I take something in lieu of money?)"
"Anything is fine that will make a reasonable amount of money. But don't bring any evidence. You know what happens when you bring something less than 1000 dollers, right?"

"Hey, the loser, when the executor kills the GN and leaves, close the window and go shopping immediately, taking the other participants with you."
"Have the GN tell the participants in advance what they will be buying as well. "
"All right. Hey, the others. You guys should concentrate on rotating the room instead of the loser. Do that, of course, after the participants who went to buy the stuff have left the place."
"Now, you, the loser, let us know on this board when you decide on a date."

When Maruta looked up, 〈Number 4〉 murmured in a voice that sounded like it was about to disappear.
"You can kind of see who the captain's watch went to. I remember Mont Blanc repeatedly asking Captain 'If you had your watch?' when we departed the day of the incident. Usually, Captain kept his watch at home. Only then did he tell Captain, 'You should take your watch with you because it would be bad if we were burglarized.' I thought it was weird that he would say something like that, and this is what he meant. "

"The flow of the killing is now also clear." Maruta said. "Immediately after witnessing Silva's death, Mont Blanc-san escorted Captain and the two of you to the restaurant by car. He then went back to the restaurant after making his purchases at the convenience store, picked up the three of you, and drove them the house. He didn't have to wait for their lunch boxes to be ready, so he was able to do these things in about an hour round trip. Meanwhile, unidentified people sprang up like demons from the surrounding forests, rotating the middle room and engaging in other evil activities."

The more the case was revealed, the further away the shadows of Obscure guys became. Since records are only records, the criminals are no longer even in a phantom corner.
Only a sense of helplessness remained.




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