6.Sunday March 31, 2019

文字数 5,605文字

When Maruta cut off the words, an almost overwhelming silence fell. It was as if everyone on the floor had stopped breathing all together. Kira looked straight into Maruta's face and waited for his next words. 〈Captain〉 finally looked up. Somehow, he seemed to have regained his vitality.

Maruta's throat was about to collapse. He had not intended to speak this much. With that thought, he moved his mouth with the last of his strength.

"Let's conclude. We heard yesterday at the restaurant near the crime scene that Kirvy-san had parked his car in the parking lot there on the day of the incident and was waiting inside. And according to your story, Captain and Shaggy-san were playing games in the car together at that time, without buying anything. Now, a simple question, how many of the four members were assigned to each of the two cars? Kirvy-san was in the driver's seat at the time, and there was also someone else in the back seat. To sum up the story, Captain, Kirvy-san, and Shaggy-san were in one car, and Montblanc-san alone in the other car. This is really the last, I mentioned earlier that the culprit strangled Silva-san in Room B and then left the room. But at that time, I did not dare to say how the culprit got out of there. It is already clear that the culprit could not have left the window of the room after carrying out the murder [Fig. 10-g]. If so, the window in Room B cannot be locked, and the locked room cannot be established. Naturally, after the murder, the culprit locked the window and opened the door of Room B with a nonchalant look on his face. Then, without a care in the world, he walked out, passing by Number 4-san, who was in the process of editing his work. At that time, Number 4-san was under the illusion that Room B was just for the members' belongings. This is not surprising since the middle room was before the rotation. Then, let's remember. Who was the last person to enter and leave 'the room where the members' belongings are kept' when the members were on their way to go shopping? It was Mont Blanc-san who finally took his wallet and strode out. It was a long story, but here's what I mean. Even if the perpetrator was not last person to go in and out of room B when he was going to make a purchase, that person would have seen Silva's body inside the room. Because someone who entered room B before that person did killed Silva-san. In other words, Mont Blanc-san was definitely involved in the case, whether he was the perpetrator or not. I am sure there also were accomplices. Why were the three of you waiting in the restaurant parking lot? Perhaps you were waiting for Mont Blanc-san, who had to perform a task before going to the convenience store. Besides, some people would have signaled Mont Blanc-san by showing him the blue fire on the slope after the house was set on fire. They were among the three of you, Captain, Kirvy-san and Shaggy-san, who left the crime scene after the discovery of the body."

Maruta stood up vigorously here. The other two were still silent.
"Let's go get Mont Blanc-san. If he was the only fan of Milley-san among the members, he is also the only one with a motive for the murder."

As Maruta was about to head for the back room, 〈Captain〉 opened his mouth properly for the first time that day.
"Isn't strange that last part?"

Maruta stopped and stared into the moving mouth of 〈Captain〉.
"The timing of when Mont Blanc joined us is exactly as you just said. As I recall, that guy joined Tokyo Spread in March 2018. Number 4 also did at the same time. But I told you before that Silva-san did not hit Milley-san, didn't I? I first heard about this from him before Montblanc joined us. However, we talked about it several times in private, even after he joined. Naturally, before the incident. So even he knows that Silva-san is innocent. Suppose Mont Blanc mistakenly believed that Silva-san had caused Milley's death. And even if he joined us to get the opportunity to kill Silva-san, Mont Blanc will know that he is innocent anyway. Wouldn't that mean that there is no motive for Mont Blanc to do so as well?"

Maruta could not say it back. Captain was absolutely right. He could not think that far because his attention was drawn to the structure of the house.
"Let's ask him about that as well."

Running, Maruta entered the room where 〈Number 4〉 and 〈Mont Blanc〉 were.
As he tried to reach for them, 〈Kirvy〉 who had been hiding behind a wall, grabbed Maruta's arm. 〈Shaggy〉 was also there.

Maruta's hand touched 〈Montblanc〉's black cap, just before 〈Kirvy〉 pulled him off.
The human model, clad in 〈Montblanc〉's clothing, collapsed from its chair.
Maruta drew back, not knowing what had happened. 〈Kirvy〉's hand tightened and his thick fingers dug into Maruta's wrist.

"Over there," Maruta shook off the entwining hands with that terrible power of a creature in danger. With that momentum, he returned to the living room and roughly pulled down the suitcase in the corner.

The pale body of 〈Mont Blanc〉 rolled on the floor. The body was curled up with both eyes closed, like a fetus.
Catching up with Maruta, 〈Kirvy〉 covered Maruta's back.
〈Captain〉 said coolly who remained seated.
"Kirvy, Stop it. That's enough."

"Maruta-san, please calm down." 〈Number 4〉 entered the living room with a laptop in his hand.
"Captain and the other two were not involved in the incident. Neither did Mont Blanc kill Silva-san."




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み