3.Sunday March 31, 2019

文字数 9,764文字

After the shed was destroyed, the rebuilding was said to have been 'successfully' completed.
Around March 2018, some of the comments received were, "The building is finally finished", "You guys are very dynamic. Stunning workmanship!" and "We did a great job, so send money!"
Images, 'proof' of work, were also uploaded one after another, along with cryptocurrency addresses.

Among the images of the clean interior, the rotating mechanism of the middle room, and the grass-cut garden, etc., was the picture that Maruta clearly remembered seeing.

This was the image I printed out.
Maruta stared at the image of the house taken from the front, discouraged.

〈Number 4〉 said. "This is the same image you first brought to us. Neither we nor Silva-san took this,"
Maruta nodded repeatedly, as if to say, "I got it now."

Others proudly reported details such as, "I made a side road to bypass the hut by cutting through the woods," "I brought back all the door keys and hid them," and "I locked one of the doors in the middle room as ordered."
Of course, they were constantly begging for a fraction of money by shrewdly pasting their addresses under their comments.

"What's this?" Maruta stopped scrolling and fingered one of the comments. It was odd in his eyes because it was so particularly bracketed.
"That is the post that Mont Blanc seems to have made." 〈Number 4〉 answered. "When we read it earlier, we bracketed those, for clarity."

Around the same time the hut was completed, this statement arrived there with a picture.
"(Behind GN, now.)"

The image shows the back of his rich blonde head and the smooth, wheat-colored nape of his neck. It was the back view of 〈Silva〉, who was absorbed in his work at his PC.

"You're good, man."
"At last, someone who catches the prey."
"Can you be that close and not be identified?"
"(No problem. He doesn't notice it at all. Besides, he doesn't know much about dark web itself.)"
"Maybe you're someone close to GN? A video-creator?"
"(I don't know, I wonder.)"

"You know that Mont Blanc joined us at this time." 〈Number 4〉 said. "I joined at the same time, but I never knew his intentions until now. Like the rest of us, I had assumed that he had joined Tokyo Spread simply because he adored Silva-san."

"Are you sure that Mont Blanc-san took this picture and put it up here?" Maruta asked.
Then 〈Number 4〉 said, "Read to the end and you'll understand," lightly shaking his chin at the screen.
Putting the doubts aside for the moment, Maruta returned his attention to the sea of letters.

"You'll do it?"
"(Yeah, I'm on it.)"
"All right, I'll leave it to you. Our dream rests on your shoulders."
"Seriously, I'm counting on you. I'm giving you all my money for this month."

The bracketed comments also have the already familiar address appended to them.
"I wonder if Mont Blanc-san got a lot of money here." Maruta asked 〈Number 4〉.
"I think so, though I don't know how much forever."

Soon there arrived a photograph of a set of fetching restrooms in rotationally symmetrical positions, as well as a washbasin that was only a formality. With all the facilities in place, many 'congratulations' were received on the occasion. At that point, approximately eight months had passed since the thread was launched.

From there, the killing intent of the 'Obscure Guys' was further increased. That one 'will', made up of a collection of malicious intentions, was a lone monster at the bottom of a dark hole, patiently awaiting its opportunity.

"How exactly do we get him to be a star?"
"Why don't you just tell GN that the project is about 'if we rotate the middle room of a rotationally symmetrical house, will the people in there notice?'"
"Yes, and it would be perfect if GN would say to the other companions that the project is to 'explore haunted places'."
"Let's make sure that from the window of the room, they can see the pathway is blocked off with a 'No Trespassing' sign. Then GN can tell his companions, 'That's a haunted place up ahead.'"
"After the room is rotated, the signboard is also replaced with the entrance of the original path."
"That's fine."

"I think he'll be happy if they pretend the whole thing, including the hut, was an idea that GN created. Someone tell him, 'Let's just say that GN did all the preparation for this project.' That guy's thought process seems simple, so that's why he'll join this project."
"What should they say to GN when he asks them, 'How did you prepare such a house?'"
"They can lie and say that the hut was built by their acquaintances. We didn't build a huge structure like a stadium, so that lie would be rather easy to believe. Except for the fact that we don't know each other's faces or names, we are indeed 'acquaintances' of the person who will carry out the murder."

"Okay, we'll also decide how the day of the murder will go."
"We need to put some cardboard boxes next to the middle room to make it look smaller there."
"The executor, that's what we are asking."
"(All right. I would have the other members bring in some cardboard boxes.)"
"First, definitely take the side path that goes around the side of the house. Don't go in through the front path at first."
"(I am not stupid enough to do that.)"
"The companions should not open the window unnecessarily."
"Just in case, the executor, why don't you just act like you are trying to open the window? And let the GN instruct you to 'not open the window'."

"Fix the camera so that it shows the door to the room where the GN will enter."
"Let GN do that too."
"And once the companions are away from the house."
"Let GN dictate that as well. If GN says, 'Go shopping,' that guy's juniors would obey."
"What if someone gets left in the middle room?"
"Wouldn't you rather leave at least one dull person behind? If our work is successful, it will become even more of a mystery."
"After keeping the companions away from the house, ask the GN to go out the window of the room."
"The executor enters the other room with a nonchalant look on his face and joins GN there."
"Then GN will be a star."
"That's settled."
"Don't forget to lock the window."
"Of course, the executor is the last to leave the house."
"The room is then rotated so that it is rotationally symmetrical compared to its original position."
"And move the companion's belongings and that sign."
"When rotating the room, it is inevitably unnatural, so it is better to wait until sunset, and rotate the room after it is dark outside too."
"And when you come back, you definitely enter through the regular entrance at the front."

"What about cleaning up afterwards?"
"One of the toilets should be destroyed."
"Those in that role should stay in the surrounding woods."
"The device that rotates the room should also be removed."
"How about setting the house on fire once the starred GN is discovered?"
"It's a good idea because we can get all those guys out of the house."
"You know the east side of the house is on a slope. How about climbing up there and signaling with a fire or something?"
"That's when we all go out at once and remove the parts should not be there from the house."
"If anyone is still in the vicinity of the house at that time, the executor will take them far away."
"The executor and GN's cell phone should be left at the house. This would automatically burn them and thus destroy the evidence."
"All right, let's do that."
"Wait, you're going to burn the whole house down?"
"If you burn the whole house down, they might find out that the house was rigged."
"If the fire is too strong to begin with, we won't be able to get in."
"Just set a little fire near the room where the GN is lying."
"It would be suffice that a fire is weak enough to let us enter the middle room and the restroom."
"Then, after a bit of fire, we take down the unwanted parts of the house with a handy hammer."
"Those of you who are trying to get to the house, don't drive there. The license plate number will give away your identity."
"It's a fateful day, and you're going to have to walk, even if it's a little far."
"We're going to have to endure that much and get over it."

Maruta was nearly dizzy from the succession of words without the slightest mercy. It took several minutes for it to heal.

〈Number 4〉 looked up at 〈Captain〉 as if to check his mood. 〈Captain〉 nodded several times in small increments with his mouth closed.
As Maruta took his hand away from the mouse, 〈Number 4〉 said as if in caution.
"This is not the end. This makes it read as if Mont Blanc was the executor. But that's not really true."

〈Number 4〉 took the mouse and scrolled the screen to a certain point. The words that jumped out at Maruta there brought his attention back to the screen.




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み