5.Saturday March 16, 2019

文字数 4,428文字

Asumi Minagawa took them up the stairs. It was the site of the sad accident, but was a very common staircase leading up to the floor, breaking at right angles. However, hard wood was indeed used for each step, and there were many points that were consistent with this lady's earlier story.

"Milley had used this room,"
The space is about 22 square meters(237 sq.ft.) located at the end of the second floor. Excessive signs of the presence of the past resident were a work desk with a PC on it, a makeup table, a bed covered with a light purple cloth, and other very feminine household items.

The two men gazed around the room as if they were walking through a museum. Perhaps feeling a sense of superiority at seeing the two behaving so reservedly, Asumi smiled in a funny way for the first time that day.
"That's okay. If you can put things back where they were, you can pick up whatever you have around there."
The woman brought a smile even to their faces. In response to the kind offer, Maruta tried to lift the empty lotion vial. However, he hesitated, not believing that the name of 〈Silva〉's murderer was written on the bottom.

What caught Maruta's eye more than the organic cosmetics brand name was the graffiti written in oil-based pen on the wide wall behind him. He pointed to them and asked.
"Were those written by Milley's friends?"
There is the message saying 'Congratulations on your millionth channel subscribers!' barely legible autographs of other creators, and abstract, completely illegible signatures, all painted in a motley assortment of second-rate art.

"Yes. The message 'Congratulations -' was written by UMORE people who came when Milley's channel subscribers count exceeded a million, as it should. The others were written by video-creators who were close to her when they came to visit here."

When Maruta took a closer look, he found the message on the bottom of the wall that reads, 'I'll be like Milley soon!' in the same handwriting as 〈Silva〉's signature. It even includes the date, 'March 28, 2017.'
"So," Maruta turned to the female owner. "You and Ms. Milley lived here all these years."
"Yes, we did. When Milley started to become famous as a video-creator, I think it was in the fall of 2016, we decided to buy this house together, with both of us putting up half the money. I'm late to mention this, but I am a furniture designer. Actually, my income was higher than her." Saying the last passage jokingly, Asumi laughed a little again.

"You were a very talented sisters. I wish you could share some of your abilities." Maruta said with admiration.
"But I still have a mortgage on this house."

After this exchange between Maruta and Asumi, the air between the three softened somewhat. They then toured Asumi's room next door, where they flattered each piece of furniture, which she said she made herself, more than it was worth.

When the three returned to the living room, they could see the city sky at dusk behind the glass door that separated the backyard from the rest of the house. In a friendly atmosphere, Maruta said as he stood there, "The garden is spacious and magnificent."

"The sun will be setting soon," Asumi quickly drew the curtains, forcing herself in front of him. Though Maruta took a half step back accordingly, he was clearly aware of the unnaturalness of the scene before he was interrupted.

A huge rectangular object placed in the corner of the garden. What is that?

Slightly larger than a person's height, it was covered with a gray curtain, with several layers of thick rubber bands wrapped around it. The time to leave was approaching, so Maruta immediately asked about it.
"Is that big thing that looks like a big storage space related to your business?"
"Yeah," Asumi Minagawa maintained a bright smile. "There, I have models of items that will be exhibited at the upcoming exhibition. I can't show them to you yet because it has not been announced yet. But I'm going to unveil them in Ginza next month, and if it's all right with you, I'd like you both to come."
"Yes, I'm definitely looking forward to it."

Saying this, Maruta slipped one of his own handkerchiefs under the sofa while the lady was out of sight.




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み