6.Saturday March 23, 2019

文字数 2,628文字

Maruta's temples were still tingling from the sudden change in blood flow.
"Maruta-san, are you okay?"
"Yeah," Maruta is still in the driver's seat, letting loose.

After discovering the intruder, Asumi asked the two to leave in a polite manner, without even asking what they were doing. They watched outside as the automatic doors of the gate were closed, as if they were miserable spongers who had suddenly been deprived of a place to sleep.

"Was there," Kira, next to him, asked. "A suspicious rectangular object in her backyard?"
"Yes." Maruta straightened his posture, knowing that he could not go on like this.
"What was inside?"

Maruta took a big gulp of air before answering. "It was filled with stylish furniture. Some clear plastic chairs, some shelves made of brand new wood."
"What did you think was in it, Maruta-san?"
"No, I honestly didn't know. Because I didn't, I couldn't help but look at it. That person drew the curtains in the room on the last time we left, hiding that cage covered by the cloth."
Maruta, beginning to calm down, sluggishly started the car. It seems that the attitude of the owner, completely drained of energy, is transmitted to the car. It stalled once on a one-way street.

Back in the Tokyo Station area, the sun was setting.
"We should probably eat something to change our minds." Little by little, Maruta was regaining his vigor.
"Around here?" Kira asks.
"Today this area is not crowded. If you like, we can go into a nice place somewhere tonight. There are many restaurants catering to elite businessmen. It would be more difficult to find a restaurant that doesn't look delicious."

A huge building directly connected to the station that seems to be the sum total of the city's vainglory. They parked their car in its underground parking lot and got out.
"Since I have been taken care of by you again, Kira-san, I will treat you to something. As you can imagine, though, I'm not about to choose a restaurant that serves Kobe beef that costs 20,000 yen."
"Do not overdo it. I will pay my own way." Kira smiled happily, showing his teeth.

Ground floor by the elevator hall. A number of suit-wearing couples pass by panels lined with proud photos of each store.
"But a lot of unexpected things happened today." Maruta's face showed half fatigue and half a sense of accomplishment.
"It is true." Kira replies. "We found out that behind the women's outward appearances, they are scary."




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み