2.Saturday March 23, 2019

文字数 4,417文字

Once off the highway, a rustic townscape unfolded. The small buildings, which look like an office district vertically compressed, radiates an idyllic air in the afternoon sunlight.
Compared to the previous night's sunset view, the faces of people passing by seemed calmer. Finding a convenience store with a parking lot, Maruta parked his car there.
"Using the expressway is still very fast. We got here in about half the time it took me to get here last week."
Saying, Maruta got out of the car. Then Kira, too, slipped out of the passenger seat without being prompted.

"Are you buying something?" When Kira asked, Maruta simply replied, "I'm buying something."
While Kira was shopping for drinks and pastries, Maruta kept looking at the corner where daily necessities were lined up.

Maruta asked when Kira came to his side. "Among Silva's belongings, there were some personal items of Choice's left behind, weren't there?"
"Was one of them a toothbrush?"
"Yes. But I don't think it's there anymore."
Maruta let Kira's story flow from right to left. Then, after some thought, he picked up some laundry detergent and a grease pen.

Kira asked, looking at the bag that Maruta lowers after shopping.
"Maruta-san, you didn't buy any food?"
"Oh, I forgot about that."
Marta said, then went back to the store and came back with a piece of frankfurter in his mouth. He placed the other items he had bought in the back seat. Standing bolt upright, Kira watched the scene with wonder.

When they pulled up in front of Hashii's construction firm, Kira said, "Oh, I've been here before," sounding like an alumnus with no business there.
Maruta reached for the luggage behind him. "Today, Kira-san, you are here, too, so I feel at ease."
"Choice, I wonder if she remembers me."

Maruta climbed the exterior stairs first, followed by Kira, who was empty-handed. Still there was the bald painted door he saw last time. It seems that the reconstruction of this door is out of the sphere of this store's priorities. As such, once again, an extraneous matter came to Maruta's mind. It did, however, reflect enough sunlight that the rejection felt the first time was somewhat diminished.
Maruta pressed the intercom with an undistracted motion. Then the door opened in such a time that the birds flying in the distance were no longer visible. Madoka Hashii's attitude in greeting the suspicious person remained the same as before.

This time, the inner door guard was removed.
"This is my second visit," said Maruta. "But I don't mean to bother you."
"What are you trying to do?" 〈Choice〉, wearing a mask, said in a grumpy voice.
"When we were sorting through Silva's belongings, we found some of your personal items."
Maruta then took the detergent he had just bought out of the bag. 〈Choice〉 received it with an extremely slow motion. After that, she looked at it with no interest. The time seemed so long that it seemed as if the birds that had just flown away would eventually lay eggs and even hatch.

"This is not mine." 〈Choice〉 spoke of the undeniable fact.
"Look at the bottom." Reaching over, Maruta helped turn the detergent container inside out. "It has your name on it."
It was written by Maruta just before. As soon as 〈Choice〉 saw the handwritten word 'Hashii', she tossed the container out the door. Kira laughed when he saw 〈Choice〉 do that.

"Choice-san, I won't take up too much of your time." Maruta picks up the detergent, seemingly unconcerned at all. "Could you tell us a little bit about Silva-san?"
Maruta again explained their involvement in the case. He even confided that 〈Number 4〉 had allowed them to watch the video of the day of the incident.
"Wait a minute." 〈Choice〉 retreated into the house for a moment with quiet steps. Maruta almost said to her back, "You don't have any plans for today, do you?" but stopped. Eventually, 〈Choice〉 returned, wearing sweatpants and a purple windbreaker.

"There is a parking lot in the back for customers, so park your car there."
"Thank you very much. It is very helpful."
After Maruta moved his car as he was told, he took them to a nearby park.




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み