The Illness of Devil’s mother

文字数 1,152文字

 I became close friends with Devil. But recently he had been looking down.
“What’s up Toshio?”
 I asked him while we were eating lunch at school. Usually he eats a lot. He eats almost everything including carrots and onions that I don’t like.
“Well, my mum cooks everything very well.”
“Oh, that's good!”
“But she doesn’t cook these days.”
“Oh, so why?”
“Well, my mum is…”
“What’s happened to her?”
“She is in hospital.”
“She’s been there for three months.”
“So long?”
“Dad says she’ll be back soon. But when I saw her the other day in the hospital, she was scrawny.”
“She eats almost nothing and was on a drip. And I feel she is…she is going to die!”
“Is it that serious?”
“Maybe. So I’m afraid my mum will…”
“I understand.”
“So what should I do?”
“Shall we go to the hospital for a visit with something delicious?”
“She can’t eat!”
“Oh, I see.”
“Well, Ichiro, you are close friends with Doc.”
“How did you know that?”
“My sidekicks saw you’re going to him.”
“Well, yes. He is my friend.”
“So ask him to do something!”
“Do something for what?”
“Do something for mum!”
“But he is a physicist.”
“Physicist? No problem! Whatever-ist he is! Anyhow! Please ask him!”





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み