Time Machine?

文字数 3,970文字

“Of course yes. This really is a Time Machine. It is true. And I added another function, that is, the Age Machine!”
“Wow, you’ve invented something so cool!"
"It's really tremendous!”
“Well, I told you. And with this Machine, we can go to the past and to the future and we can be at any age at the same time.”
“At any time at any age at the same time! Wow! That’s so cool!”
“But before talking about the Time Machine, we have to be careful about the Time-Paradox.”
“The Time-Paradox?”
“Assume that I go to a few days back in time with Time Machine while I was sleeping in bed. Then I beat myself to death with a bat. So what would happen?”
“Well, it means… It means you kill yourself?”
“Exactly! And it’s a paradox.”
“Hmm…, so why?”
“How could I kill myself while I am in a coffin?”
“Why you are in a coffin?”
“Because I’m assumed to be killed by myself a few days before!”
“In fact I tried it.”
“Wow! really?”
“Of course I wasn’t going to kill myself in reality.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“But I couldn’t.”
“I don’t know. But when I tried to approach myself, I stumbled on something and fell. Then I stood up and looked for the bat, that I’d put in a certain place. But it wasn't there and I couldn't find it out.”
“Oh, my god!”
“So I concluded that something which I don’t know in nature prevents me from doing such things.”
“Nature prevents?”
“Yes. In other words, we can do almost nothing which affects the past.”
“We can do nothing in the past! Wow! That’s like a ghost!”
“But if we could, the ‘present’ would be changed. In other words, I’m in a coffin now. And it’s quite nonsense!”
“Yeah. That’s a crazy idea!”
“And this is the so called Time-Paradox. Well, I will show you another example.”
“Well, If I assassinate a historically important person, then, the current world might be completely different.”
“Oh, I see.”
“So I guessed that there is a limitation which restricts us from doing almost anything in the past. And this limitation protects ‘the present’. It might be one of the fundamental physical laws.”
“Well, It's OK. But I’m not so good at physics! So…, anyhow! Well, what about the future? Can we do anything in the future?”
“Exactly. Because, the future is not determined and if we do something in the future, it might be changed and it’s quite all right. And if we do something good, we’ll get a great future. And if we do something really bad, it might be tragic.”
“Well, if we don’t do anything and just ‘see’ the future, I guess nothing will be changed.”
“Perhaps you are right as long as you do nothing except you just 'see'.”
“So, let’s go to the future! I’d like to know which team wins the national high school baseball championship. Well, I want to know because the boys in the entire school-year are betting on it.”
“Oh, you guys do such stupid things!”
“No. No. We are just betting a soft drink or something. But we are very excited about that.”
 In reality, we were betting money! Someone I don’t know was the bookmaker and I was blackmailed by Devil. So I thought it might be pretty good for me to get some money. Even though I thought it might be a little bit shady.
“Well, I’m not saying don’t gamble as long as you only bet soft drink or something. But since I like baseball, I’m glad to see young people like you are so exited about high school baseball. And we should be exited when we see high school boys doing their best. It’s great. And I think it shouldn’t be a subject of gambling!”
“Well, yes. Yes! I know that. So let’s go to August 23rd, the scheduled day of final. But in case the final is postponed by rain, let’s go to the next day, August 24th.”
“Do you really understand what I mean?”
“Oh, yes yes. Yes! Of course yes!”
“Well, that’s good. Since I do not mean that I do not want to know the champion team.”
“You are speaking in such a complicated way.”
“Do not throw a wet blanket over how I speak!”
"Do not find fault how I speak!"
“Ah, OK.”
“Well, let’s go and just see.”




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