Doctors in the Future

文字数 2,847文字

“What should we do?”
“We should go to the future since we’ve received the whole documents.”
“Is there a doctor you know in the future?”
“Not at all.”
“Well you are gonna be a lone wolf, Doc.”
“I’m not a wolf. I am an animal of the cat family if I say.”
“I understand, Dr. Brown Tabby.”
“By the way, do you know any doctors in the future, Ichiro?”
“Well, I’m a high school student and…”
“So, aren’t any of your classmates planning on being a doctor?”
“Ah, my younger sister Arisa wants to be one.”
“That’s it!”
“What are you planning to do?”
“Well, bring your sister here.”
“Right now?”
 So I went straight home to get my sister who had been doing her homework, gave me a questioning look on the way, then went back to Doc’s laboratory.
“Hi, Arisa. I’m Dr. Brown Tabby.”
“Good evening, Doc.”
“Well, I hope your dreams come true!”
“Oh, thanks a lot. But what do you mean?”
“Please, please become a doctor in the future!”
“Become a doctor? Well, yes. It’s my dream but...”
“That’s good. Just wait a minute.”
 Then Doc fetched a lot of old reference books and notebooks.
“You can have all of them and study. Well, there are special ways to study that I’ve told many kids.”
“Yeah, you are a study specialist as well Doc!”
“Well, the most important thing is to see what is going on inside. I hate rote memorization! Someone said rote memorization has been the educator’s standard operating procedure for centuries. But I think it is a downright lie!”
“Oh, really?”
“At least in studying mathematics, physics and chemistry. Well you must see what is going on inside, then understand it. And then there is no need of rote learning."
“But it is so difficult to see what is going on. It’s far easier to memorize things when preparing for an exam.”
“Even if you get a good grade, you’ll forget almost all of it on the next day. And it’s quite nonsense. Don’t you see?”
“I learned Newton’s law fifty years ago. And I still remember! Because I understood what was going on inside Newton’s law. I’d say I will never forget it. I call it 'Everlasting Memory'.”
“Anyhow, the process is to understand it thoroughly, then make it to be an Everlasting Memory!”
“Great! Doc, your brain is occupied by plenty of Everlasting Memories!”
“Well, I’ve written those kind of things in these notebooks. And you can have them, Arisa.”
“Thank you so much, Doc.”
“You are welcome. I believe you can be a fine doctor.”
“But why you are being so kind to me?”
“Well… we must save a certain someone’s life.”
“Save someone’s life?”
“Anyhow, you should study very hard! And you too, Ichiro. And if there is anything that you want to ask, come on over whenever you want.”
“Oh, thanks a lot, Doc.!”
“You are welcome. And, you had both better go home now.”
“Yes. Good night Doc.”
“Well Ichiro, come here tomorrow evening. There is something we've got to do.”
“OK, Doc. See you tomorrow.”





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