In The Hospital

文字数 3,685文字

 So we went to the hospital the next day at the appointed time and waited in the waiting room. Shortly, a nurse came up and took us to a room where the doctor was waiting.
“Well, I’m Dr. Brown Tabby. Nice to meet you.”
“Oh, I’m Dr. Red Tabby. Nice to meet you too.”
 Since Devil had changed into a thirty eight year old and was wearing a gray suit, the doctor thought he was the husband of the patient. And I was supposed to be a nephew and Doc was the family doctor. But since Doc was wearing a suit with dark brown stripes on yellow, the doctor seemed to suspect that Doc was a suspicious person. Then the doctor explained about her illness to us in detail showing CT, MRI and pathologic specimens and so forth. Doc examined the images and specimens then asked a lot of questions to get more detailed information. And it turned out that she had advanced pancreatic cancer terminal stage. The doctor said,
“We are so sorry that there seems to be almost nothing to save her life and I guess she has only two months to live.”
 Then Devil suddenly shouted grabbing the doctor by the collar, “Hey, you are a doctor, aren’t you? You have to do something! Save mum… uh, my wife, you son of a bitch!”
“Please calm down Mr. Tanaka.” Then Doc said, and pulled Devil away from the doctor with his superhuman strength.
 So after that, the discussion went on quite peacefully. Then Doc said,
“If possible, I’d like to get all of the documents including CT and MRI image disks, a copy of patient records and an excision specimen of the cancer.”
 So the doctor said,
“Oh, we must keep the excision specimen at the hospital.”
 Then Devil suddenly shouted once again grabbing the doctor by the collar, “Hey, you must give us the ex…ex… uh, exercising space men! Or I’ll beat the crap out of you, you son of a bitch!”
 So Doc said, “Well it’s the excision specimen of cancer, Mr. Tanaka.” And Doc pulled Devil away with his superhuman strength once again. Then the doctor said clearly while rubbing his neck,
 So Doc said gently, “I didn’t want to do this but…” And he took out a pistol from his pocket. Then the doctor said,
“OK, OK, I understand!” But the doctor was no fool he looked closely at the pistol and said, “Oh, it’s a water pistol.”
“Yes it is. But do you see the liquid in the pistol?”
“Oh, the color is…”
“Well, yes. It’s pee! I’ve just collected in the toilet.”
“OK. I understand. You can have it or there will be a yellow stain when you shoot pee on my white robe.”
“OK. Give us all of the documents or I’ll shoot.”
“Yes. Yes. But I will remove the personal information. When this leaks, I must take full responsibility.”
“Do as you please, sir.”
 And after a while we received the whole documents. The doctor put excision specimen into an icebox. Then we thanked him and left the hospital.

“Well Doc, how did you pour pee into the pistol?”
“That is not pee. Its tea.”
“I bought a bottle of green tea from a vending machine in the waiting room.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Such a quack doctor who can’t distinguish tea from pee!” Devil said. But Doc said something different.
“I think the doctor diagnosed and treated properly.”
 Then we arrived at Doc’s laboratory. Soon after, Devil was changed to seventeen years old by the Machine and I said,
“What should we do with the documents?”
“The treatment must be developed.”
“But the quack doctor said there is nothing to help mum!”
“Well, there might be nothing in present. But not necessarily in the future!”
“Yes. We have the Time Age Machine!”
“Well, we will do whatever we can to save your mother, Toshio. So you should go to the hospital and take care of her.”
“All right Doc. I’m depending on you, Ichiro and Doc!”





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