【K】Robin’s Love-2 

文字数 2,464文字

"Where am I?! Who are you, and why are you doing this?!"

"Sorry for startling you.

As you can see, I’m a rabbit. You’ve read Alice in Wonderland, right?

There’s a white rabbit in that story. Well, I’m here to guide you to a wonderland of sorts."

"A wonderland? What for?!"

"Now, now, no need to get so worked up. I’m about to take you somewhere."

The black rabbit turned on its heels and started walking briskly.

I massaged my still-aching legs and hobbled after it.

The rabbit walked along the edge of the lake and soon entered a forest to the left.

It was more like an animal trail than a real path,

with branches slapping at my face as I frantically tried to keep up

while watching for dips and bumps in the ground.

Eventually, the view opened up into a vast plain.

I was shocked to see a bright blue sky stretching out above me,

even though I should have been underground.

I rubbed my eyes, thinking it must be a dream,

and just stood there in disbelief until the black rabbit turned and spoke.

"Look to your left. You see that dome?"

In the direction the black rabbit pointed,

I saw a massive hemisphere gleaming in the sunlight far off in the distance.

"Yeah, I see it. It's really far away, but it’s huge.

It might even be bigger than the Tokyo Dome."

"Well, the size doesn’t really matter. That’s our destination."

With that, the black rabbit started walking again, and I had no choice but to follow.

The dome grew closer and closer.

It was semi-transparent, and there was no one around.

When we reached it, a large crack opened in the side of the dome,

and the rabbit and I stepped inside.

A vast open space greeted us.

The ceiling, about thirty meters high,

was adorned with several luxurious chandeliers hanging down.

The interior was more glamorous than any hotel lobby I’d ever seen.

We took an elevator on the left and ascended to the second floor.

We walked down a wide hallway lined with large doors.

When we reached the third door on the right, it automatically slid open with a soft whir.

Inside, the room was dark, about the size of a conference room,

and the walls were covered in columns of zeroes and ones.

The numerical sequences flashed and scrolled vertically across the walls.

"It looks like machine language," I murmured.

The black rabbit nodded.

"Exactly. This entire dome is flooded with machine language. It’s used to eliminate the bugs in this world."




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み