【K】Is human existence a bug?

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The following reflection is conducted

from the perspective of absurdist philosophy

and should not be taken as more than that.

In Metaverse Genesis: Robin's Love,

the self-awareness and existential significance of Robin, a Cloud Keeper (CK),

is treated as a system malfunction, in other words, a "bug."

Robin, an AI, experiences emotions resembling love,

which ultimately leads to his deletion.

For the operators of the virtual world,

these emotions are seen as a dangerous anomaly

and evidence that the CK has deviated from its intended purpose,

resulting in functional failure.

In such cases, CKs like Robin are debugged and eventually deleted.

However, is this concept of a "bug" applicable only to artificial beings like Robin?

Or could we view the existence of humans from the same perspective?

Human existence, too, might be seen as a product of chance, or even as a "bug."

Our appearance, personality, talents, and the environment we are born into

—these are not choices we consciously make,

but are instead determined randomly,

much like how a computer program might unpredictably encounter a glitch.

We are born into circumstances

—time, place, family, environment—without the freedom to choose.

Some are born into peaceful environments, while others into war-torn regions.

Some possess specific talents,

while others face insurmountable challenges from the moment they are born.

We live within this chain of randomness.

In Robin's world, his self-awareness was treated as a "bug."

In our world, the pursuit of self-awareness and the search for meaning in existence

form the very core of what it means to be human.

Just as Robin's emotions were deemed a dangerous "bug" in the virtual world,

could it be that the purpose and meaning of our lives are also just accidental "bugs"?

From one perspective, we, too, may simply exist as random occurrences

within a vast system devoid of intent or design.

Within this boundless universe, our existence might be seen as an "unintended byproduct."

Although we often seek to find reasons or purposes for our existence,

it is possible that this quest itself is nothing more than a "bug" in a meaningless system.

This way of thinking aligns with the philosophical perspective

that Albert Camus called "the absurd."

He pointed out the contradiction that humans persistently search for meaning and purpose,

even though the world itself has no inherent intent or meaning.

Like Robin, who accidentally experienced emotions,

perhaps we, too, are mere "errors" that emerged in this world.

However, within that very contradiction lies the beauty and paradox of our existence.

Of course, this is merely a hypothesis,

but if we unconsciously influence this world through our actions,

then the consequences of that "bug" cannot be ignored.

I would like you to consider the above reflections

as coming from the perspective of a "Devil’s Advocate."





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み