【K】Robin’s Love-1

文字数 2,404文字

The following is a case of a Cloud Keeper (CK) named Robin,
where "he developed self-awareness and fell in love."

In this case, the discovery was delayed, and the bug became deeply tied to Robin's self-awareness,
making it necessary to delete the Cloud Keeper itself.

It should be noted that this record is based on the extracted memories of Robin,
and thus is written entirely in the first person.

~~~   ~~~   ~~~  

I woke up to a bright light.

Sitting up in bed, I rubbed my half-open eyes and looked out the window.

The sun was already high in the sky, and the trees were gently swaying in the May breeze.

As I remembered the wonderful date I had yesterday, my chest grew warm.

That's right.

Yesterday, I had my first kiss with Ami.

We met at the campus library after the morning lectures and watched the movie
‘Love Is Forever’, which she had been wanting to see.

Then, we had dinner at the Royal and took a stroll in the park at sunset.

When I put my arm around her by the fountain, Ami quietly leaned into me.

The bronze lion statue above us was shooting streams of water into the sky,
as if it were enjoying the breeze.

After watching a romantic movie, we naturally found ourselves sharing our first kiss
in the fresh early summer air.

While I was reminiscing about the events of yesterday, my eyes wandered to the clock

—it was already past nine.

I’m late!

I quickly washed my face, changed my clothes, and rushed out of my apartment.

Walking briskly towards the university, I noticed something strange in the usual empty lot.

A black, shapeless mass was floating just above the ground.

It was about twice the size of my body and was rhythmically expanding and contracting,
almost like the beating of a heart.

As I got closer, I realized it was a hole.

When I peered into it, a powerful force, like gravity, pulled me in.

I slid down a long, dark tunnel-like slope at high speed,
twisting and turning like a waterslide, picking up momentum.

I was so terrified I could barely breathe.

Then, for a brief moment, I felt weightless before a strong impact hit my entire body.

I was unable to move for a while, my shoulders, hips, and limbs aching,
but eventually, I lifted my head and looked around.

I had tumbled onto the grass by a lakeside.

In front of me stood a black rabbit, about the same height as me.

The black rabbit was smiling at me. Was someone dressed up in a rabbit costume?




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み