【K】Robin’s Love-4 

文字数 2,119文字

’A bug in one program can infect another.

If left unchecked, the infection will spread,

and this virtual world will collapse.’


‘The inhabitants of this virtual world

all believe it to be the real world.

Let me explain about the residents here.

This world was originally created for Cloud Humans (CH),

whose consciousness and memories were transferred from their physical brains.

Of course, any memory of this being a virtual world has been erased from their minds.

But because the number of CH is small, they alone cannot create a natural society.

That’s why AI like you were created and deployed into the world.

If a situation arises where the CH population rapidly increases, the CKs will have to be deleted.

If at that time, any CKs begin contemplating their purpose or existence

—those bugs, like fear of death or questions of why they live

—it will lead to disastrous consequences for the CKs.

Therefore, when such bugs are detected, they must be immediately erased.’

‘Erased? Who decides to do that?’

‘The Ministry of the Virtual World.’

‘The Ministry of the Virtual World?!

I began to tremble at the absurdity of such a name.

‘Now, calm down and listen.

There's a strict law governing this.

It’s called the Cloud Keeper Act.

The second article states,

"A CK's thoughts and emotions must be kept below a critical threshold.

Should a CK's thoughts or emotions exceed this limit,

the resulting bug must be swiftly eliminated."’

I struggled to understand what the black rabbit was saying, so I changed the topic.

‘But I was born and raised in this world.

I received a proper education and now attend university for higher studies.

I have loving parents and a sister. I even have a girlfriend—her name is Ami.’

‘It’s probably hard to accept, but all of that is an illusion.

Those memories were fabricated and implanted

by the Virtual World Development Bureau

when your program was created.

The education you think you received is a fantasy,

and so are your family and girlfriend.

None of it is real.

As I’ve said before,

you were only created to help balance the population in the Metaverse.’"




  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み