03 Bitter water【2】

文字数 4,175文字

 However, I eventually went to the church. That was Sunday the following week when I visited the home where my mother is. I thought that if I tell the situation properly, there might be allies who would agree with my mother 's treatment.

 The church is on the bank of the Kano River which flows through the city of Numazu. From Numazu station, I never can not walk there.

 I walked down the street of my birth place after a long absence.
 After all, the rainy season was the same day. The gray clouds covered the entire city, not only the sky, but as if they took away color from everything.
 It was neither cool nor hot. The lukewarm air was mixed with the smell of the water of the Kano River.
 I remembered the smell of a goldfish aquarium, which was placed as if forgotten, on the lower foot box of the entrance of the house a long time ago.
 It was a dark square aquarium filled with algae so much that goldfish could not be seen.

 The church remained the same as in the past, and it was a simple building that was not much different from the community hall, and that was buried in the gray scenery.
 I think that was when I was in elementary school for about three years. I was brought to Sunday school and asked as a Christian church, but there was no image of Maria and no Jesus, I wondered that there was no painting stained glass or religious painting, and I asked my mum
 My mother made a big laugh at some reason.
"Well, no, it's a Protestant, so it's not there"

 She might simply be happy to be asked by a child, or she may not know exactly how to explain the Protestant, may just laugh and cheat.
 However, I felt stupid, and I was indignant.
 Ever since that, I never turned my feet to church again.

 I can finish the worship itself without difficulty. Separately, it is not harmful and there is no problem as long as I am quiet.
 However, as worship was over, I was surrounded by ladies. It was a strategy of Rutsu.
"Even though herself does not want, the way you thought really is for Hanna?"
"Talk with them well"
"We are worried."
"I understand your feelings, but I want you to consider Hanna's feelings"
 The ladies' age was probably from the 60s to the late 80s, and they pretended to be good people and said various things, I was in trouble and I did not get the word.

 I was not good at church ladies since I was a child.
 They are wearing a frilled dress or a summer tweed suit, they are wearing some kind of clothes that care about that person, besides, they are shining earrings and necklaces, and they are sprinkling a strong smell of perfume or cosmetics.
 In other words, they are "too much feminine".
 And they always smile and express their opinions without fear.
 They have an atmosphere that "We are not like Yamato Nadeshiko" and hiding the strength of pushing behind a shy attitude, I still can not accept it even now (for this point , I can not laugh at Rutsu because I have not made progress even after 50 years old).

 A woman who is truly independent and works living in society, does not do such a light-hearted way of speaking ―― irresponsibly speaks to others' life――.
 Though their attitude looks kind, there smells of hypocrisy. I also do not like that point.
 Anyway, when I was in trouble as to how I should escape from the ladies hanging me with roundabout words,
"Thank you a few days ago"
A man's voice came flying from behind the crowd. He was Mr.Nonobe.

 The ladies refuted reflexively, thereby opening a little way.
 I passed by that way "I'm sorry" and got out of the "needle carpet".
 And, I told him.
"It's like the sea of Moses"
 I should have bowed obediently, "I was saved", but because I was awkward, I put words like a frosty word.

 If I was loosing a tie, Rutsu came up and told him.
"Please take care of my brother's consultation"
 She told Mr.Nonobe that way! She looked embarrassed and said that.
 Then, somehow, Mr.Nonobe declared to me instead of answering "I and my wife are not Christians".

(Continue to 04)




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