(102)  Ms. Merci’s hat 

文字数 941文字

I don’t have a hat other than a hat for Santa costumes.
I've never seen a dog wearing a hat.

Pet stores sell dog clothes and dog masks, but I rarely see dog hats.
I have no hats other than Santa's hat, but I do have hooded winter clothes.

Wearing this hood makes me look like I’m wearing a ski hat, and the hood is very warm.

I always ask Mom or Dad to dress me because I can't put on clothes by myself. I have Mom cover me with the hood. However, this hood is a little big for me, and it doesn't work as a hat as it is.

I had a hard time at first, but by shaking my head well, I’ve learned to bring my head to the center of the hood and even take it off.

This photo was posted in chapter 61.

I can't see due to my hood.

I shake my head and move my head to the center of the hood. Now I can see.

One of my eyes can't see because of my hat.

I moved my hat so that I could see.

I’m taking a rest after getting used to my hat.





  • 特大
  • 生成り
  • 水色
  • 明朝
  • ゴシック
  • 横組み
  • 縦組み